Chapter 13: Truth Revealed

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Hey~ Hey~ Hey~

If the Battle between Shu vs Valt create a tension - I think this will create a chaos hihihi~

And thank you very much for 3K reads kyahhh~ You guys are the best :D


Truth Revealed



(In Chapter Twelve when Kris receive a mysterious message after Lui vs Valt battle)

Kris narrow her eyes in suspicious when she start reading the message

From: ???

Hello, Kristina Kuroda - you might not know me but you can trust me especially in this situation between Snake Pit/El Dorado.

Go to your respective BC Sol Room and you will see a small black box over there that will surely interest you

Don't tell the others about this for now

People said don't trust to strangers but desperate times calls for desperate measures and I had to trust my gut feel for now

"Guys I need to answer a call - I will back" Kris inform and stand

The others nod but she notice the way Free narrow his eye in suspicion but said nothing

Kris walk through quite hallway until I reach the room - she unlock the door and go inside

And like the message said - there was a small box over he table

Kris open it and saw a small flash drive

'Hmmm I wonder what's inside this?'



"A what?" Seems everyone thought

"I said there is still a plan b" Kris repeat her smile turn into mischievous

"Really?" ask Cuza and the glimmer of hope on his eyes share with everyone

"How this will work?" Ask Zac

"Yeah we want to help" Xander said and everyone nod

Then Kris smile softly

"Thanks you guys but no need... The plan is already working out now"

"Huh?" cue to more confusion

"You'll see" Kris simply said and wink

"Kris your making us nervous"said Cuza eventually

Kris rub her head sheepishly "Well you wanna know it now?"

"Yes" Everyone said at the same time

Then Kris smile and stand up "We'll follow me"

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