“Give up Elena,” I told her, “you can’t win this fight your not as strong as your mother was, and you didn’t have that many people to begin with thanks to the Midnight pack.”

She growled at me, “I don’t care! I don’t need an army to take you down.”

“Right sure you don’t,” I said with a chuckle, which made her glare at me.

“Get her,” she said to the wolf and he charged at me. I dropped to my knees, spun around, and kicked his legs out making him fall in front of me. I held him down by the neck threatening to snap it. 

“Shift,” I commanded my voice full with authority. He immediately shifted and I recognize that he was the guy I was dancing with at the club. I punched him hard in the face knocking him out cold. “Now it’s just you and me,” I told her.

“I will not back down,” she growled at me even though her eyes held a tiny bit of fear in them. 

“Whatever,” I smirked at her and she charged at me. She pulled out a silver blade swinging it carelessly around as if she didn’t know what she was doing. She kept this up for a few minutes as I dodged her attacks and realized she didn’t know what she was doing. I was finally bored with this and started to attack her by punching and kicking her. She was so weak and I knocked her out.  Wow, that was a waste of time. I hurried to the basement. When I reached the door, I opened it and flicked on the light switch. I smelled Carter’s scent all over the room I made my way downstairs and there Carter was chained to a wooden chair. He looked bruised and battered but not out of spirits since he gave me a smirk.

“Missed me?” I asked Carter.

“Nah,” he said, “but I know you missed me since you came alone to come and get me.”

I rolled my eyes then shifted into my wolf. I came over to Carter and opened my mouth.

“What are you doing?” he asked as I neared him.

I growled and he looked panicked I licked his face to tell him I wasn’t going to harm him then took the chains in my mouth and bit down hard until they broke.

“Thanks,” he said getting up and stretching out his arms. 

I quickly shifted into my human form, “Carter there’s something I need to talk to you about and we must be quick about it.”

“Okay,” he said.

“I need you to run away with me,” I said. He stared at me in disbelief, and then he finally spoke.

“Are you serious?”

“Dead,” I said swiftly.

“But why?” he asked.

“I promise I will tell you on the plane ride out of the country,” I replied hoping that he doesn’t have a problem leaving the country.

He thought about it for a moment then nodded his head, “I’ll go with you.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said, “just on one condition.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“You have to become my girlfriend,” he replied.

“Okay,” I agreed giving him a smile. Everything was working according to plan. “Can you shift?” I asked and he shook his head no. I shifted into my wolf and motioned for him to get on. Once he did, I headed out the house when I got outside the leader of the hunters was there.

“Fancy seeing you here,” he said and Carter growled. 

“Don’t worry Carter he won’t hurt us,” I said through the mind link.

“I didn’t know that they were after you Rosa. If I knew that I wouldn’t have let them stay,” he said sincerely.

I nodded my head showing him that I understood.

“Well it looks like your trying to escape so I’ll let you leave,” he said eyeing the bag. “I’ll make sure to cover your scent.”

I barked out thanks and dashed towards the forest. I took a short cut that was tricky for those who didn’t know the way. I felt Carter grasp tighten on me as I maneuvered through the forest. I relaxed at bit as I felt him warm breath on my neck. I knew there was going to be hell to pay when we came back. But I was still willing to leave. I was willing to make my escape.

So i guess she's running away again which changes a lot of things. Next chapter is going to be Carter's POV. 

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