Chapter 6- Diagon Alley

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(AN: Sorry for taking forever, I didn't know if I wanted to continue this or not but because of the support I decided to continue, and because of the support I added a little extra to this chapter than originally planned. Warning, this chapter gets a little hot. ;) P.S. Wattpad was being weird when I was trying to edit, so if there are any mistakes that you find, let me know in the comments where, and what they are. Thank you!)

His eyes went wide. He forgot about his friends in the haste of his inheritance and the Libraries. He was going to need to go to London anyway, so he might as well try to contact them when he's there. Tomorrow he going to Diagon Alley.

Harry woke up the next day nervous about how it would end. He didn't know if he will run into anyone he knew there let alone Hermione or Ron. He was wondering if he should wear A glamour or not. He ultimately decided not to and got ready to go. 

"Dobby?" Harry called.

"Yes, Master Harry?"

"Can you accompany me on my trip to Diagon Alley today?"

"Of course Master Harry, Is be honored to take trip with Master."

"Ok, well we'll be going shopping today, and I might need help with the clothes aspect."

"Yes, Master Harry, Is being help Old Little Master Malfoy when Is work for Malfoys. Is being goods at clothes." 

"Ok, I'll call you when I'm ready to go." When Dobby popped out Harry took a shower and got ready to go. When he was ready he called for Dobby to take him to Gringotts.   

At Gringotts, Harry walked up to a teller and asked to see Griphook and was led to a waiting room of some sort. "Mr. Potter, if you could, you can wait here, Griphook will be with you momentarily." 

"Ah, Harry. I assume you're here to make a withdrawal? Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is. I'd like to go to the Potter Family vault." 

"Right this way." 


"Okay, Dobby? What am I going to need to get?" He asked because he knows nothing about clothes.

"Master bes needing full wardrobe Master Harry."

"Okay, thank you Dobby." When Harry walked into Madame Malkin's he was met with Madame Malkin herself.

"Hello Sir, what would you be getting today?"

"Um, I was told to get a full wardrobe?"

"Okay, and what material would you like? We have cotton, silk, and acromantula Silk. Cotton is the cheapest with 5 sickles per meter, silk is next up, 2 galleons per meter and acromantula is the most expensive, as its the rarest, with 10 galleons per meter. Which one would you like?"

"Um, I guess I will get the acromantula. Its the best quality correct?"

"That is correct sir, lets go right over there and I'll measure you up." She led Harry to a stand and immediately a tape measure started taking his measurements. When it was done he was led to the counter to pay. "Okay, so with a full wardrobe, that is, ten plain cloaks, ten color cloaks, 20 black slacks, and 20 pairs of dragonhide boots. Now, for the color cloaks, what color would you like?"

"Um, and I get five of those to be Griffindor school robes, and the other five can be purple and silver please."

"Okay, now for the cost, for the cloaks and slacks, that's going to be 450 galleons and the boots are going to be 100 so that's a total of 550 galleons and your clothes will be ready in about 3 hours you can wait or come back to collect them. Have a good day" As Harry was leaving the shop he decided that he would just get the rest of his school shopping out of the way while he's here. 

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