Chapter 3- Meeting the Ancestors

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(AN: Ok, so I'm changing it a little bit. I'm not killing Voldemort anymore and I'm sorry for changing it so suddenly. I'm going to make little changes to the first chapter so if you want you can read that but it will only be small changes, like small comments of like Harry being worried about Voldemort coming back. And I also took away a type of dragon to fit my outline for the story. P.S. Its cannon all through the fourth year. P.P.S. I'm sorry for taking so long, this is the longest of all the chapters so I took longer to write and edit. Enjoy)

To say that Harry was shocked was an understatement. He didn't know that he was the owner of all of these Vaults and properties. He didn't even know he was the heir to more than Potter and Evans let alone some of the most powerful wizards to have ever lived. He didn't even know who the Peverells where. He knew they must be old and powerful with the vault being number two. He didn't know why Dumbledore never told him that he had all of these things. He needed to get these locks off and figure out what all of this comes with, and most of all he had to think about what he was going to do about one Albus Dumbledore. 

"Excuse me Harry, but we must be getting on with things," Griphook exclaimed breaking me out of my stupor. 

"Yes, sorry Griphook, but what do you mean 'Getting on with things' sir?" Harry questioned.

"Well, you'll have to accept your lordships and airships. The heirship should be easy because Lord Black has approved so let's start with that." and with that, he got up and left. When he got back he was holding a small black box with the word BLACK engraved on the top. When Griphook opened the box it was an all-black ring."This is the black heir ring. All you have to do is put it on your right ring finger and if it accepts you, it will stay." 

So that's what Harry did, he put it on his right ring finger and felt a jolt of magic run through his body. It felt a little dark, but that was expected with the reputation of the Black family. With that, he looked up at Griphook. "So how do I claim my Lordships?"

"Well, Harry, you will only need to just put on rings for Evans, and Gaunt, as they are newer wizarding families compared to the rest."

"Wait. I thought that my mother was a muggleborn?" 

"Well, it seems as though she was not, but just from a long line of squibs, who had previously forgotten their wizarding heritage."

"So, does that mean that I'm a pureblood?"

"I believe so Harry. So I'll be right back with your rings." After Harry put on the rings he felt a little closer to his parents. When he put on the Evans ring he felt warm and comfortable. When he put on the Gaunt ring he felt hesitation but once it accepted him he had a slithering feeling all over his body like he had a snake slithering all over him.  

"Ok Harry, now comes the hard part. To collect the other lordships you are going to have to go to a chamber where you can meet the primary ancestors connected to each house. To be accepted they each are going to look into your mind and past to see if you're the right Lord for their house. Now we do not know anything about what happens in the chamber because us goblins are not allowed in to see what happens. It's just a wizard and their ancestors. While in the chamber you will see a platform. You will need to take your wand, put it on the stand and say the family you wish to claim. When you are done you can call me and I'll lead you back here. Got it?"

"Yeah, I think so. Let's go." Griphook knew that he was supposed to lead him there so he walked and led him down numerous hallways until he got there. 

When Harry walked in it was like nothing he has ever seen before. It was ancient. Like it was as old as the bank. When he looked towards the middle he saw the stand that Griphook was talking about. When he walked up to it he saw a rune on there, 'That must be where I put my wand,' he thought. So that's what he did. He wanted to start with Potter as it was the most direct line. So he put his wand to the rune and said, "Potter" 

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