Chapter 5- The Library, Sheilds, and Letters?

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"Is being back Master Harry. When Is getting there I found Master Harry's school trunk, broomstick, and clothes being burnt. Is able to get cloak, map, photo book, and birdie from house." He held up the book, cloak, map, and Hedwig in her cage.

"Thank you Dobby, you got everything that matters, I can just get the rest new. Now you have quarters here or you could go back to Hogwarts, I'll call you if I need you. Bye Dobby."

When Dobby left he sat there thinking. 'I can't wait to visit the library tomorrow.'

When Harry woke up he was surprised that he felt well-rested. At first, he thought he was back in the second bedroom of the Dursley's, but then he remembered yesterday's events and smiled. He was out of there and he wasn't going back! 

After he had his little celebration he decided to take a shower. When he walked into the bathroom he was surprised. He wasn't expecting it to be that big. The bathroom had dark grey and white tiles. The shower was bigger than the whole bathroom at the Dursley's. The bath was next to the shower and looked like it could hold multiple people. He saw the towel rack and remembered he was going to take a shower. 

When he was finished he noticed that the close was through the bathroom. when he got in the closet he realized he only had one pair of clothes, the pair he wore yesterday. He was going to need to take a trip to Diagon Alley, but that can wait, he needed to check out the library today. After finishing the thought his stomach growled. 'After breakfast'. He called Annie and asked for his breakfast in the library. 

After he ate he started looking for books to read. Skimming through the inventory he saw a title that popped out. Magic For Beginners: Magic Levels And More. He wasn't worried about magic for beginners but he remembered seeing his magic level and wanted to know what it meant so he called the book and sat down to start reading. 

"Magic Levels are the raw power that a witch or wizard possesses. The amount of magic they have determines how powerful a witch or wizard will be. They are different tiers of magical levels. And every tier has a range of magic levels to fall in that category. The tiers are;

Non-Magic: 0-99

Squib or Infants: 100-999

Witch or Wizard under 11: 1000-2499

Underage Witch or Wizard (11-16): 2500-4999

Normal Of-Age Witch or Wizard: 5000-9999

Warlocks: 10,000-49,999

Mages: 50,000-Unknown

Many people make the mistake of seeing pureblood babies as squibs when their body is making room for their first magic outbreak at the age of 3. This leads to unnecessary adoptions. Families should never do a magic test before the child is the age of 3."

He looked at that passage with wide eyes. He remembered that he had a magical level but he couldn't remember exactly what it was. He knew it had a 7 but that's all. He suddenly remembered that he kept the tests. He walked to his room and looked for the parchments. When he found the right one he was shell-shocked. He thought that he would have been in the 7,000s but not ever 70,000. He didn't think that was possible. He decided to read more of that book so he went back to the library. 

"Mages are the only tier of witch or wizard that have underage wizards. Unlike warlocks, which are manifested or their power grew over time, mages are born with their high power. As there has never been a known mage in centuries, there is no final point to where their power can stop. To be a mage you have to be born with high levels. If someone is born with normal levels its impossible to surpass the warlock level. Onto warlocks, the warlocks that have closer to the highest power are known as grand warlocks."

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