Chapter 2- Gringotts

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After what felt like hours the pain finally went away. When he was more awake he noticed that he felt stronger, more powerful, and thought that that must be the power boost. When he felt like he could stand he got up and looked into a slightly broken mirror to see himself. When he looked he saw that he was slightly taller, instead of his normal 5' 6" he was standing at about 5' 8". His hair stayed the same, but his eyes look more vibrant and they had a beautiful ring of icy blue around the pupil. He noticed that his body was slightly more toned than usual. He thought that he looked good, but then a thought popped up in his head, 'What am I?'

"What am I?" He kept repeating over and over. He wanted to find out what he was, but he knew that if he changed here, and the Dursleys heard him. That would not be good. So here he was trying to find out when a thought popped up. "Gringotts!" he shouted. 'Oh, shoot. I hope I didn't wake up Vernon' he thought. He listened, waiting for the initial thud that came with Vernon getting up. When he didn't hear anything he let out a sigh of relief. Now all he needed to do was find a way to get to Gringotts.

He was thinking he could go in the day, but Vernon would never let him go. He could sneak out now and go, but it's too far to walk. Then it hit him, The Knight Bus. He could just call it here, and have it take him to The Leaky Cauldron.  So with that thought, he packed a bag and got ready to go find out what his animal was. 


Once Harry walked into the bank he went and headed to the head goblin. "Excuse me but I would like to talk to the goblin that handles the Potter estates please," Harry spoke cautiously because he knew that the goblins weren't the kindest to wizards, especially rude ones.

With a sneer, the goblin at the desk asked, "Name" 

"Harry Potter, sir,"

"Ok, one moment please." With that, the goblin got down and went to a room behind the desk. after what felt like five minutes, the head goblin came back with the goblin that he met in his first year. "This is Griphook, Mr. Potter." and with that, the head goblin left leaving them to their business. 

Griphook then leads them back into a room that was filled with little trinkets and jewels and treasures all around. "Mr. Potter, what can I help you with today?" Griphook reluctantly put out with a sort of sneer that seemed to be present on all of the goblins. 

"Please call me Harry, Griphook. And I was looking to do an inheritance test, please. I was hoping to see what kind of creature I am." 

"Well, of course, Harry, just let me get the required things and we'll get right to it." and then Griphook left and came back with a piece of parchment, a potion of some kind, and a regal-looking dagger and set them on the desk. "All you need to do is cut the palm of your hand and put seven drops of your blood into the potion and wait 15 minutes for it to set then we can pour it on the parchment." 

Harry knowing the goblins don't like to wait he unstoppered the potion, took the dagger and cut his palm. He led his palm to the potion bottle and counted seven drops when he took it away. With that, he stopped it and let the potion set. 

After 15 minutes Harry took the potion and poured it on the parchment. What it said kinda shocked him in more than one way. 

After Reading The Parchment

To say that Harry was shocked was an understatement. He didn't know that he was the owner of all of these Vaults and properties. He didn't even know he was the heir to more than Potter and Evens let alone some of the most powerful wizards to have ever lived. He didn't even know who the Peverals where. He knew they must be old and powerful with the vault being number two. He didn't know why Dumbledore never told him that he had all of these things. He needed to get these locks off and figure out what all of this comes with, and most of all he had to think about what he was going to do about one Albus Dumbledore. 

Chapter Total: 777 Words

Book Total: 2367 Words

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