Just Girls -19

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I woke up alone. It has been a week and three day since Harry and I have broke up. Since we have the rumors of him with someone else has come up. it makes me wonder if he was with her this whole time. I think he knows that why I called it off. I sighed and got dressed. I had a studio session today for my upcoming album called Rumors. I was really excited about this album. I've worked so hard on this one. I walked out the door and tried to leave the memories of yesterday behind. Once I got out the building I was swarmed by four girls.

"Cara! Cara! I love you Cara!" They called out. I was taken away a bit by it, but I gathered myself.

"Hi guys." I smiled at all of them.

"Can we get a picture with you?" The one with a floral dress asked as she held out her phone.

"Absolutely!" I knew I'd be late, but they're my fans. My first fans to stalk my building. I took her phone and took a selfie with all of them. They seemed nice enough. One of the girls started crying after I took it. "Don't cry." I tried telling her.

"It's just so nice to meet you. We came all the way California to see your secret acoustic show tomorrow," She hid her face in her hands and sat on the steps. I knelled down to her and put my hands on her knees.

"What's your name?" I asked. She looked about twenty.


"Lilly, I'd like to think you for coming across the country to see me. Tell you what," I began. "I'll let you and your friends in my room under a few conditions,"

"What?" Lilly asked.

"Don't seal anything. If you want something, ask for it. Don't go mental on me. And last, the most important one, have fun. Also I have to know, and be honest because telling lies is my superpower, how old are all of you?"

"I'm twenty," Lilly said.

"Nineteen," The one in floral said.

"Twenty," The blonde one said.

"Eighteen," The shy one said.

"Okay. C'mon," I took all of them in and to the apartment. I called Anne and told her I was sick and couldn't make it today.

"Wow. This is a nice place," Lilly said.

"Okay. You all have to tell me your names," I laughed.

"Sara," the blonde said.

"Morgan," The one in floral said.

"I'm Rhiannon," The shy one said.

"This is where you kissed Harry!" Sara called out.

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