Could this be love? -5

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Last night Harry didn't text me goodnight. Well, night over there that is. He usually texts me all the time. Little things mostly. Just like how our days our. He might have been busy. I understand. It's not like I'm not really his girlfriend, so he can talk to whom ever he wants. I just wish it was me. I was about to go write a song, and my friend Stormie called me.

"Hey, Stormie, whats up?" I asked as she usually texts me.

"You're cheating on Harry Styles?!" She yelled through the phone.

"No!" I replied. I hadn't even looked at another guy like that. Then it hit me what she was talking about. Last night with Ken. "Ken is just a friend,"

"Cara, there's rumors going around," She told me. It's the same voice when she doesn't want to say something, but she knows she has to.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like you're sleeping with him to get your record out there faster. Like you're cheating on Harry because you're lonely. Like you and Harry are not really dating. Like this Ken guy," She told me. I had to cut her off.

"Okay, I'm not sleeping with Ken, I don't like Ken like that, and I like Harry more than anyone will ever know," I sighed at the end. "So people really think that about me?" I asked almost in tears.

"I don't, but others do. Cara, you haven't talked to me about Harry the way you did Nathan," She pointed out to me. I used to tell her everything that was going on with Nathan and I. There's not much I can say about Harry.

"Okay fine, when I think about Harry, I can't breathe. When I talk about him, I feel speechless. I can't get enough of Harry. I honestly think I've gone mad. When he doesn't text me I feel like I did something wrong.  Stormie, I really don't want anyone but him," Again, I was almost in tears. I hadn't told anyone that.

"Why don't you tell the world that? Cara these people are suspicious. Tell them that, and they'll know where your heart lies. You can inspire so many people. I know that if you just tell someone that, it will be clear to see that you truly like Harry," Stormie had a way of talking things into me. 

"Okay, I have to go. I love you, Stormie," 

"You too," She laughed.

"Bye," I hung up. I had to get this cleared up.

*** Later at USA today***

"So there has been a rumor going around," She looked at me for my reaction. Then she continued. "That you have cheated on Harry Styles. Is this true?" She asked.

"No. He was helping me with a song. I have heard the rumors about me sleeping with Ken to make this record. To those people who think that, I don't care if this record takes a year to record. I will do this record my way. This record is all me. It it my heart and soul. I'm not going to do anything like that. " I talked to her.

"So what does Harry think of all this?" She asked.

"He hasn't really talked to me. I think the only way to talk to him right now is telling him through the papers, so I would like to say something,"

"Go on,"

"Harry makes me feel like I'm going insane. I can't breathe when I think about him. I get this strange feeling that makes me smile. When I talk about Harry, I feel like there's not enough words to describe his perfection. I love Harry more than anyone could ever know. Yes, I love Harry. I love him," I almost whispered the last sentence just to say it to myself. It felt good to get that off my chest. Though Harry will never know that's how I truly feel. I looked down and wiped my damp eyes. I breathed out, and told myself not to cry. 

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