Songbird -17

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It's been a few weeks since Harry left. Hes called me every night almost. Sometimes we can't talk though because I'm busy promoting my new album that's coming out next week. It's going to be called Everywhere. I changed it after I recorded that song. Everyone loved it, and I changed the sound of a few other songs to make them sound more like part of the album.

"Cara. They're ready for you," The lady said. Sara stopped doing my make up and I went into the interview.

Everyone clapped as I walked in and stopped as I sat down. My interviewers name is Jen today.

"So how is your day?" Jen started out asking.

"It's great. It's amazing to join you today," I smiled.

"Aw so sweet. So first thing's first, you have a new album coming out. Tell us about that," Jen said with a smile plastered on her face.

"It's called 'Go Insane' and it's about my life and just things that I've been though this past year," I said to her.

"So is any of them about your boyfriend, Harry Styles?" She asked.

"Yes. And Harry actually did a song with me on the album. It really means a lot to me that he took time out of his day for that The acustic version, witch is the first cut, is going to be on the delux album, " I said with a smile.

"So is every thing with you and him alright? I heard that it hasn't been perfect with him being all the way in London for the past three weeks," I knew Anne leaked that story.

"Well, no. I've been working hard working on finishing the album and Harry is also busy with music. It doesn't help that the time zones are crazy," I shrugged.

"So there's a photo of Harry and you kissing before he left," They put up the picture on the screen as they always do.

"Yeah. That was the last kiss we shared," I missed him.

"A reliable source said that you two said 'I love you', is that true?" She asked.

"Yes," I nodded remembering what happened that day.

"Was that the first time you two said that to each other?" She asked.

"It was actually," I said with a smile. "The moment seemed to last forever, and I didn't want it to stop."

"That's so sweet. Well I think it's time for you to sing a song off of your new album don't you think?" She asked everyone and they cheered.

I walked over to the stage and walked over to the piano. I started playing and sung a song called "Songbird". I started to sing, "For you, they'll be no more crying. For you, the sun will be shining. And I feel that when I'm with you it's alright. And I know it's right. To you, I will give the world. to you, I'll never be cold. Cause I feel that when I'm with you it's alright. I know it's right. And the songbirds keep singing like they know the score. And I love you like never before. And I wish you all the love in the world. But most of all, I wish it from myself. And the songbirds keep singing like they know the score. And I love you like never before. Like never before. Like never before." The song came to an end and I got up from the piano. Everyone started clapping, and Jen brought me back to the chair. I was told the interview was before the song, but she put me back instead.

"You have to tell me about that song!" She actually seemed interested and not full of fake smiles.

"Well it's being in love with Harry. I've never felt like this before, and when I'm with him it's magical. And the feeling is completely unavoidable. And when I'm around him it's like everything is heightened. And since I've been with him I've seen the world in a whole new light. And when he sings to me or with me it's like he's a songbird singing his song," I explained.

"Well I can't wait for the new album!" She smiled showing her teeth. I think she really meant that.

"Thank you," I smiled back at her.

"Ladies and gents, Cara Hastings!" She said and clapped. I got up, and walked away to backstage. Anne rushed me out of the studio and to my car that was waiting. It took about two hours to three hours to drive back home. Traffic was mad. I got back home and just as I was about to put the keys in the door my phone rang. I got it out of my bag, and saw it was Harry. I answered him.

"Hey. I just saw the performance of Songbird. That song was amazing. I showed the guys and all of us were just taken away by it. You did a great job," Harry complimented me. The feed must have been live.

I opened the door and shut it and replied, "Thanks. Glad you guys like it," I couldn't stop smiling. I love his voice.

"No worries. I should be home in a few days."

"Oh good! Just in time for my album release party!" I was excited. Anne set up the whole thing and it will be live for the fans to see.

"Oh cool. Hey I got to go. Louis gotten himself in some sort of trouble," Harry said half distracted.

"Okay. Bye Harry," I laughed and hung up. I threw my phone on the sofa, and looked out the window. It was a clear day today. It looked really pretty. My phone dinged and I went to check it. It was from Stormie and it had a link. I opened the link and it was Harry in a radio interview.

"So tell us about Cara," The guy asked Harry. All the guys looked at him with a smile. They don't know it's fake.

"She's great," He said to the man.

"C'mon. You can give us more than that. Does she have a habit or what's it like to be with her?" The DJ asked.

"It's great. She's done so much for me that she doesn't even know. And she always gazes out at nature. Like anything green she'll look at for a bit. And she also has this thing that drives me crazy where sometimes when she smiles she tilts her head and bites the bottom of her lip! That's the most absolute cutest thing she does and it drives me nuts!" His eyes lit up and he had this smile plastered on his face.

"Wow. You're really mad for her," The DJ laughed.

"I'm Lovestoned," He said softly with a smile. My heart dropped. There was one night when we were cooking dinner together and Lovestoned came on, and I couldn't stop singing along. I felt a smile on my face. He remembered.

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