*   *   *

   There were ten minutes left before the next class started, however, the teacher Cupcake was still explaining the importance of drinking water in settled spans.

   "Hey, if he's not done in two minutes, I'm getting the heck outta here," Springtrap whispered to Foxy.

   In Chica's table Bonnie was almost completely asleep.

   While the teacher kept talking, a worker from the direction showed up in the doorway; he was carrying a bunch of papers.

   "Excuse me, teacher. I'm here to announce something important."

   Everybody thought that was all about nonsense the direction believed important, however, that was important for, at least, two animatronics in the group: Bonnie and Lefty.

   Dolphin's heart had announced the granting of a scholarship for students who had high averages: a few days ago Bonnie and Lefty were notified as aspirants to receive it. Bonnie was feeling kind of hopeless, because he had looked for the average Lefty had: A average. He had more A+ than him; it was going to be hard for him to get it. He often could hear Lefty and his friends talking about it and strutting, bluffing about using the payment to buy more alcoholic beverages and 'easy chicks'. The amount of money was high enough for a high school student to support their education, even if they lived alone, which was a not too bad idea for Bonnie.

   "Dude, we can now go out and buy some chicks," Springtrap said to Lefty, "and it was about time, 'cuz this carrot wants to be in the Bunny's mouth."

   Freddy looked at him wryly, more disgusted though. Lefty giggled softly with Springtrap, he was sure that scholarship was going to be his.

   "A few days ago, you were notified about a scholarship the school was going to grant. This scholarship was only available for students with A average. There were two animatronics here selected to be aspirants, but just one could get it. I'd like to ask Bonnie to come with me and fill some papers.

   The rest of the group started to clap, except Springtrap's gang.

   "You rock, dude!" Chica exclaimed from her seat.

   "Congratulations, Bonnie!" Mangle softly said.

   "Hurry, go with him. I'll take your stuff to the next class," Marionette said, convincing Bonnie to leave the classroom.

   Bonnie walked across the room to leave, when he slightly peeked sideways to Springtrap's table: all of them were staring at him; none of them were clapping, not even Freddy.

   "Thank you, teacher!" The worker closed the door.

   "You're welcome."

*   *   *

   "Man, I really wanted to have some whores here," Springtrap said while the four of them were heading toward English class.

   "We can still go out with the chicks, Freddy still needs to get one though," Foxy said.

   "Dude, sex is not the most important thing," Freddy mentioned.

   "It's not? My horoscope said that I would be a better animatronic if I had sex every day, then why to wait for? Right, Lefty?"

   Lefty kept quite quiet all the way to the next class.

   "Hey, jackass, what's wrong? You're still mad for the scholarship?"

   "Dude, you already know what that means," Lefty said.

   "Well yeah, but maybe nothing bad is gonna happen, you'll see she's gonna be ok." Springtrap tried to calm Lefty, who, instead of being disappointed, was in the woe.

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