"Damn!" You mumbled looking at your arm. You didn't know how they're weapons were able to hurt you. You didn't even know how it made a cut on your arm. You were getting annoyed now. 

You glared at the bokoblin who gave you the injury before running up to it. You dodge the club that it swung before stabbing it through the chest. You pulled out your sword before turning to the last bokoblin. You were about to go up to it but stopped when you saw Junior run up to it with two daggers in his hand.

He slit the bokoblins throat with much ease. He pushed the bokoblin down, it falling into the water.

You were shocked to see how easy he was able to take it down. Your eyes were wide looking down at the fallen creature. You snapped out of your of your shocked state before turning your gaze towards Junior. He had an angered look in his eyes. He looked a little terrifing to you. 

You cleared your throat raising an eyebrow before you said something. "So.... You know how to fight?" You asked not sure what else to say. You didn't know what you just saw. He was like you, stealthy. But he was stealthier. Every minute that passed with him, made you more suspicious than you were before.

"Yes, I can, sorry for not telling you." He said his eyes hiding the anger he had just a moment ago with a sheepish smile.

You put your sword away before crossing your arms eyebrows still raised. "And your just now deciding to help out?" You said waiting how he will respond.

He still had the sheepish smile on his face but now he was scratching the back of his neck. "sorry." He said a little softly before his eyes looked at your right arm. His smile left his face for just a moment before he spoke again. "Come on, you said we were close to Ordon Yeah?" You nodded before he spoke again. "Then let's go." He said walking back to the horses.

You followed him you not getting on your horse seeing no reason to walk when you're so close. You held onto Garnets reigns, getting ready to guide him to the village. Junior got on his horse giving you a funny look.

"Why aren't you getting on Garnet?" 

"I see no reason to, as we are nearly there."

He gave out an "oh" before you both head down the narrow path to Ordon Village. You both stayed quiet for the rest of the trip until you made it to Links tree house. You both stopped when you saw Link with Epona. Link stopped as well giving a look of surprise when he saw you. He then turned his gaze towards Junior. 

You all stared at each other for a bit before Link broke the silence. "Oh, [F/n] I didn't know you were coming...." He trailed off his eyes back on you.

"I made Ilia a promise didn't I?" You said looking back at him with a smile.

His eyes went remember Ilia mentioning you would be coming back before Hyrules Festival. "Oh! Right, Ilia did mention something about you coming back." He said eyes lit up with remembrance. "Well you guys can go inside the village." He said leading Epona to her resting spot.

"Yeah, okay thanks." You said before you began to walk again leading Garnet and Junior inside the village. You were surprised by the way Link was acting but didn't show it. He probably acted nice because Ilia told him to.

You made it inside the village seeing all the houses. You stopped, smiling while you looked around. You heard Junior getting Molly walking up to you with him holding onto Molly's reigns.

"Wow, this is a nice little village." He said to you looking around as well. Both were there looking around for a brief moment before you heard your name.


You stopped looking around, and instead looked straight forward. You smiled seeing Ilia standing there. "Hi Ilia." You said happy to see her.

The Runaway Princess [Link x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now