[Chapter VII]

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It's late in the morning, most people are already up tending to their farms or jobs. Impaz is inside reading her book whilst Jarvis is packing the ores that you will be delivering tomorrow. You were outside practicing your bow skills determined to one of the greatest bowmen/women out there.


This was your third bullseye in a row.

Your aim is becoming accurate at a remarkable rate. The ones that hadn't hit a 10 would usually be a 8 or 9. Those would happen once in a while. Your goal was to get 10 bullseye's in a row before setting a higher goal for yourself. This was going to be the thing that you would focus on for today, training with your bow.

You were focused on the targets, arrow ready to fire, once ready you release the string.


You smirk as the arrow went right in the center of the target. With every bullseye you hit, the more you confidence boosts. You prepare yourself to shoot another arrow ready to get 5 in a row. Taking your stance, aiming at the target you were in complete focus. Just as you were about to shoot the arrow, a voice broke your concentration.

"Hey [f/n]!" The voice called out making you jump in the process. That was all it took for you to loose you bullseye streak. The arrow didn't even come close to the intended target flying off passing the targets.

You knew the man that the voice belong to. Who else could it be than the man child you live with.


Anger took control of you once you saw the arrow flee away from you.

"WHAT!!" You yelled out turning your full attention to Jarvis.

"Woah I'm sorry now calm down" Jarvis said hand up while backing away. "Maybe I should come back later y'know, when you don't try to kill me."

"You already have my attention." You walked over to a rock sitting down trying to calm yourself. You were breathing heavily arms crossed, you felt your face heating up from the anger of losing your streak. "So, what do you want to talk about" You say with a forced smile on your face.

"Uhh, I just wanted to say I packed the ores that you need to deliver." Jarvis said focused on you to see what you would do next.

"Right thank you for telling me" You say internally crying wanting nothing to do except strangle Jarvis.

"Mhm yes... I'm going to go now" Jarvis said as he began to walk back to the house.

"Wait, since you're here why don't we practice some sword fighting, I think I've done enough archery for today."

"Um I'd rather not-"

"No I insist, I haven't used my sword in a while." That was a complete lie, you collected a couple bounties before making your way back home. Some even put up a fight desperate to not be turned in.

"I-I mean... sure, I have a bit a time." Jarvis said a bit nervous to what was about to come.

"Great! Now why don't you go and grab the practice sword real quick."

Not wanting to get on your bad side even more, he rushed toward the storage where all the gear and weapons were. Quickly grabbing the sword, he made his way back to you with a quick pace.

"I'm back." Jarvis said holding two swords. He passes one to you with care hopefully hoping that you won't try to kill him. Right now he's regretting even getting the practice sword instead of the wooden ones that are used to train with kids if they ever wanted to learn.

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