7. Throw your bags back inside

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"We'll help you! Of course we will make sure you're packed and stuff. We don't want you to miss anything there."
"Thanks Sanne. Really I don't want to go either, but I know that it's the best for me so I have to."
"We know. It's fine..."
So they make sure everything is in the bags. He leaves tomorrow... It's gonna be a long day of doing a lot Niall loves. They've been friends for a few days, but they are getting closer every day.
"C'mon guys don't be so sad. I'll be back soon. I promise."
First they drive off to the stables. Paris is very happy to see them and comes running to the gate. Since she's completely fine Liv let's Niall have a little ride on her. They have to start all over again, because her condition isn't what it was. But a little ride with Niall doesn't ask a lot from her so she can handle that. They put Paris back in the field and try go to Liv her house.
Liv had been putting some blankets on the couch while they left and now they're gonna watch some movies with him. They put some snacks in bowls and start their movie marathon. First they watch Small Foot and secondly they watch Titanic. They hold each other close during the ending and cry their eyes out. After the movies it's almost 7 p.m. so Liv and Sanne make some wraps and they eat them together. When dinner is finished they bring Niall home to pick him up the next morning.
Ryan sleeps in Liv her bed again while Sanne lays on the couch. They have a good sleep and pick Niall up the next morning. He isn't very happy. Since Liv read some articles with rumors last night she saw some rumors that Niall is forced to go to Boston by his management. So the first thing she asks him when she sees him is if these rumors are true. He looks her in the eyes for a long time. Liv thinks she already knows they answer, because she can see him struggling in his head to tell her the truth. He's not allowed to tell that his management forced him, but they did. He didn't want to go, but they think the new album has been taking too long. So they send him to Boston with a few writers and they want him to finish his album. Otherwise he's not allowed to go out with friends or family anymore. He doesn't want  both of these things, but management thinks his friends and family distract him from writing songs. They don't. They actually help him since he wants to write songs from his heart so he can sing them with his heart. If he writes them with other people he doesn't have a good connection with or who he doesn't know he's gonna write the songs from his brain and if he does that, he can't sing with his heart.
They put the bags in the car and drive off to the airport. At the airport they all get out of the car and bring him inside. He talks about his doubts the whole time. He can't think of any good things in Boston. He wants to go back into the car and just go home. He doesn't know what to do since his flight is already here. Liv, Sanne and Ryan try to let him take the decision himself since they don't know what to do. They let him name all the good and bad things about Boston and try to help him with choosing.
"Just throw your bags back in the car and we'll drive home. Who cares what your boss thinks. You'll find a new one if Modest! doesn't want you anymore. I promise. We'll help you finding someone." Liv says. They're so tired of Niall constantly doubting his decision. He doesn't want to go so he's fine with her decision. They go home and play some games of Twister, because everyone loves to do that. They play a few games and then try to decide where to go for dinner. They've been struggling with the question if Niall was going to Boston for so long that it's already dinner time. They love pizza so pizza it is.

A/N Thank you for still reading my story. I know it sucks.

P.S. It's almost July 23rd. Idk what's gonna happen, but it's so exciting. They only thing I want is for them to be happy with their decision.

All the love,
Vera <3

Boston {a Ryan Mack story}Where stories live. Discover now