3. All I'm thinking about is you

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I hang up and start thinking. Kuro isn't really a name for a person. More for a cat or something. I don't know. Maybe he'll be at the cafe tomorrow. I don't know. 

That night I can't sleep. I'm only thinking about Ryan. I should probably talk to him tomorrow, but isn't that weird? Because we don't really know each other. It'll be okay. Him as a friend would be nice too tho. I just don't know.

I wake up really early and just take a shower. Since my friends are still asleep in the Netherlands I try to go for a walk through Dublin. While I'm peacefully walking through the city I hear my phone: "Hi we're One Direction. Someone's calling you. Pick up your phone. Unless you don't like them. Then you can just pretend you didn't hear me. Which I would never do to someone, because that would be mean. Unless they smell. WOW you're popular." Yes that's my ringtone. Told you I'm a 1D fan. But since I had to pick up my phone, I couldn't listen to my ringtone. 

"Hi, do I speak with Liv?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"It's me, Ryan."

"How did you get my phone number?"

"One of your colleagues was nice. I had to give her an autograph and she gave me your number."

"Okay? Why did you want my number?"

"Uhm well. I don't know how to say this. Are you home?"

"No. I'm somewhere in Dublin. I don't really know where tho. I just started walking."

"Okay. If you send me your location I'll try to be there as soon as possible."

"Okay sure."

So I waited 10 minutes and then I saw him. He was running to me? Why. I mean uhm sure. Oh wait. I see someone running behind him. It's a girl? Why? Oh wait. He was a singer. She is a fan? Yeez fans are crazy. I knew that. Because at the moment a lot of directioners are trying to find theories about 1D coming back. So yeah. But I've never seen this in real life.

When he's finally here I see him looking around as if he's scared by that girl. 

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Well just some crazy fan who wanted more then just a hug and a picture I guess."

"Crazy. I've heard about crazy fans, but never seen that in real life since all my concerts are cancelled this year."

"Tell me about it. Mine too. But it's a little different, because I was gonna be the singer and you were gonna be the crowd."

"Yeah, but it's so sad. Like why did this stupid virus have to ruin a lot of things?"

"Yeah I know. Next year will be better probably."

"I hope so. Where did you want to go to with me?"

"I don't know. Just walking around and have a little talk."

"Sounds okay."

So Ryan and I walked through Dublin and had a good conversation. I found out Kuro is his cat and not his boyfriend or something. I don't know what to think. Maybe he just sees me as a friend. I don't know what I want. Maybe just start as friends. And I know. Friends often become too close they don't want to ruin it and they'll never be a couple, but we'll see. I just don't know yet. I just don't know how he feels about us. I'm going to wait till he says something about it.

That night I have to work again. Apparantly I get to choose the music this evening, so we're listening to: One Direction, 5 Seconds Of Summer & Ryan. What did you think I would play? So we're dancing to all those songs and crying to a lot of One Direction songs, because that's what we do. We're Directioners. Their songs make us cry sometimes, because those make us realise they aren't together at the moment. And I know Liam is hinting to something special. But yeah we'll see.

Author's note: Ryan please DM me if you see this, which would never happen, but imagine.

Insta: x_veertje_xx

p.s. I've never been to Ireland and I'd love to go there. Someone who wants to go with me? Or just give me a tour? Would be nice :) 

p.p.s I had so much fun writing that crazy fan part.

<3 Vera

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