6. Please just stay for another while

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Liv tries to get out of his grip, but it's too tight. When she moves he even holds her tighter, if that was possible, but he's still asleep. She doesn't want to wake him up so she lays down and snuggles deeper into his chest. 
When he's finally awake she can stand up and make breakfast. She makes some scrambled eggs and puts them on her Dutch bread. She doesn't know if he's gonna like Dutch bread, but it's fine. She likes it at least. Ryan has come out of bed and is standing behind her. He puts his arms around her waist and says: "Last night was great. I slept good and now you're even making me breakfast. Should we go to the Beaumont hospital to see how Niall and Sanne are doing?"
"After we finished breakfast we definitely should. And we should go to Kinsealy to have a look at Paris."
"True. But first let's finish breakfast."
After they finished breakfast they go to Beaumont to visit Niall and Sanne. They are doing great. Sanne is getting more comfortable around him and he is actually liking her. They have a little talk and leave them alone. They go to Kinsealy to have a look at Paris. She's very happy to see Liv and even likes Ryan. Liv is going for a walk with Paris and Ryan, because she can't ride Paris right now. Paris is very happy to walk around and just be with Liv. Her ears are forwards all the time. They give Paris some hay and go to the hospital again. 
When they are at Beaumont Niall announces that  he's going to Boston with a couple of friends, because he needs some space. He also thinks that Boston is the best place to go since there is no one there he knows. He doesn't want them to worry about him and they are not allowed to tell the paparazzi. Of course they did not see that coming and it's a shock, but they'll have to accept it. He promises to call them, because he likes to be around them and he's gonna miss them even though they only know each other for a few days. Sanne decides to give Niall some space and goes home with Liv and Ryan.
Since Ryan unexpectedly stayed the night he needs to take some clothes from home so they go there first. He grabs some trousers, a shirt and underwear and they are ready to go to Liv her place. Liv has to work this night so Ryan and Sanne decide to surprise her with a movie night when she's home. They head to the nearest store to get crisps, coke and beer. They know Niall can go home tonight so they ask if they should pick him up at the hospital for the movie night. He really likes the idea so at 6 p.m. they get him at Liv her appartement and make some dinner.
Liv arrives home at 10 since they got to close of really early. She's surprise by the amount of people in her house. She thought only Sanne would stay for her and she thought Ryan would've gone home by now. Somehow they are both there including Niall. When she sees all the crisps she knows they're going to have a movie night. Liv loves movie nights simply because they watch movies and she can snuggle up to someone without being ashamed of it. She uses the excuse: "Scary part!" a lot and it always works until she doesn't have to use it anymore and the people she snuggled up to is fine with her. They watch This Is Us of course, because Niall is there and Liv and Sanne needed to watch it with a member of 1D. After This Is Us they watch Mamma Mia! just because it's such a good movie. Liv has one bedroom and one bed so Niall and Sanne sleep in there while Liv and Ryan take the couch which is actually a sofa bed. 
The next morning they wake up by the sound of someone cooking. It's Sanne who got up early to bake eggs and make a few pancakes. They get up and put some plates on the table. Niall gets up too. Since he's not allowed to flight for the next few days he decided to spend these with Liv, Sanne and Ryan. They are not happy with him going to Boston, because they think he's running away from something. But he's a grown up man, sometimes I doubt that, and he can take care of himself. Besides that there are a few friends who are going to Boston too so he's not alone.
"Please stay. We really don't want you to go. And you neither. Why should you go?"
"Because it's best for me to go. I need some space Liv. I love you all, but I just need to take some time off. Away from stupid paparazzi and people I know. I want to write songs and make my mind clear. I wish I could take you with me, but I can't. I'll call you every day. I promise."
"Just remember that I love you too and I'm really gonna miss you..."
"I will. Now I'm gonna pack my bags. Someone who wants to help me?"

A/N Paris is the horse in the picture ;) and please enjoy my writings. Make sure to check out my other stories too. I'm kind of trying to improve my stories :) Let me know of you have an idea for my stories. I'm always open for other opinions.
P.s. follow me on social media:
Twitter & Instagram: x_veertje_xx
Snapchat: vera.paarden
P.p.s. If you dm me about my story I would really appreciate it:)
P.p.p.s. I don't know why people end up in the hospital in my stories, but somehow they always do...
P.p.p.p.s. I don't know if Ryan prefers beer or wine, but I don't like wine so beer it is.

<3 Vera

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