Happy anniversary

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Saturday morning Ruby gets up to meet Ren at the farmers market. They get some eggs and bread, also some Turkey meat to make finger sandwiches. Ruby goes to the fish shop and picked up some crap and shrimp. Ren gets assortment of cheese and crackers. Then they get some drinks. Different kinds of pop and juices. Ruby thanks Ren for the help. They go back to the house to make the food.

Their in the kitchen making egg salad sandwiches and turkey sandwiches. Blake was helping with the crap and shrimp putting it together on a plate making it look nice. Weiss was doing the cheese and crackers. Yang got some coolers for the drinks adding ice to get them cold. It was noon when the first Guest arrived. Weiss welcomes Pyrrha and Nora. Ruby introduced her friend Ren to the young lady's.

Nora and Ren hit it off. Weiss was talking to Pyrrha. When Jaune comes to the door. Ruby welcomed him and introduce him to the other. Of course Juane starts to flirt with Pyrrha. But she didn't mind. Weiss just smiled at them. Leaving them alone. Just in time to get the door. This time it was Winter and Penny.

Weiss hugged her big sister. "I didn't know you to know each other?" Weiss asked.

"Oh Penny works at the army base that I work at." Winter says with a small. Ruby see's her friend and Winter, so she goes over to hug them hello.

Weiss looked at Ruby and asked. "Do you know they new each other?" She pointed at Winter and Penny. Ruby nodded softly no.

"I forgot to tell Ruby I was working with Winter." Penny says.

"Yeah we just realized it when we both asked for today off. Oh but we did came together." Winter says.

Ruby smiled at them. Then introduced them to the other. Weiss whispers in to Ruby ear. "Do you think they like each other?"

"I don't know, maybe." Ruby answers everyone was having fun and getting to know each other. Then the door bell rings. Weiss was going to go get it but Yang bet her to it. When Weiss see's the older Version of Ruby and a tall blonde haired man she blushed and smiled at them. Ruby runs over and hugged and kissed them both after Yang did the same. Ruby waving Weiss over to them with a big smile.

"Weiss this is my parents, Mom aka Summer, and Dad aka Tai. Mom and Dad this is the love of my life Weiss Schnee." Ruby introduce them.

"It's nice to meet you finally. Ruby and Yang have told us all about you." Summer says then hugged Weiss, who hugged them back. When Weiss was hugging Tai she asked for a minute of his time in private. Ruby was walking with Summer in to the kitchen.

Tai looks at Weiss, who smiled softly at him. Weiss takes a moment to then ask Tai. "I was hoping I can have your blessing to ask Ruby to marry me. Please talk it over with Summer."

Tai just gave her a big hug. "I know how much Ruby loves you, so I give my blissing to you." Tai answers with a big smile. Weiss see's were Ruby smile comes from. She thinks Tai. They joined the other in the kitchen. Eventually she asked Summer for her blissing to. Summer gave it happily.

Someone was at the door again so the young couple go see who it is. Ozpen and Sun with Neptune we're here now. Weiss looked around smiling at her friends and family. That's when she notices that Coco and Velvet have not come yet. Weiss give Ruby a look of concern. Ruby notices this and walked over to her. "What's wrong my love?" Ruby asked.

"Well Coco and Velvet are not here yet." Weiss tells her.

"Oh maybe they are running late. Why not call them?" Ruby says then kissed her cheek. Weiss takes out her phone to call her friends. But no answer. Weiss then asked Ozpen and Sun if they know if Coco and Velvet are coming?

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