Date night

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Ruby made some snacks for the movie. They cuddle up with each other. Weiss was thankful that Ruby didn't push her to have sex. Even with her being 21 she wasn't ready yet. Ruby was 19 so she was in no hurry. But she did know that Weiss was the one and only she wants to be with. Ruby had confessed to Weiss that she was the one. Weiss was a blushing mess.

Ruby thinks she cuter when she blushed. She try and get Weiss to blush at least once a day. It was easy at first. Ruby just give her a complement and Weiss is blushing. Sometime it take a kiss. As the two are cuddling Ruby looks over at Weiss. Who kissed her lips. Ruby pulled away from the kiss. "Weiss I love you." Ruby says looking in to her eyes. Weiss looked back and smiled.

"I love you too." Weiss says with a big kiss.
They go back to watching the movie.

Weiss asked Ruby to come sleep with her in her room. Ruby smiled at her. They going to get ready for bed. Weiss was already in bed waiting for Ruby. Ruby comes to bed with a big smile on her face. Weiss smiles back at her. Ruby gets in bed with her. They kissed for a little while. Then goes to sleep.  Ruby would come home on the weekend if possible.

But next week was Final exams so she stayed at school. It been almost 3 months sense the young lady's got together. Weiss was excited for Ruby graduation day. Because that means they can be together more. Weiss was going to start a new show soon so spending time with Ruby was going to be harder. But if Ruby home it will be easier. Weiss asked Ozpen for a day off so she can go to Ruby graduation. He did give her the day off. Weiss was happy and thankful.

Weiss and Ruby have a date plan for afterwards. Weiss was surprising Ruby with a Hotel room. She asked the hotel to make it romantic with flowers petals on the bed. It's the morning of graduation and the girls are packing up Ruby dorm room. They had everything almost packed. Weiss try's to move Ruby's tool box but it's to heavy for her. Ruby just smiled at her and moved it out of the way. It's a good thing Ruby didn't have a lot of stuff to move. Just enough to fill the trunk of the car.

At lunch time they had to get ready for the graduation ceremony. They all got there ticket ready. Handing the ticket in then take their sets. Ruby and Penny are setting with their class. Miss Goodwitch was the Master of ceremonies give a little thank you to all the students and their family for coming. Then calling each one to get they're diplomas. Ruby and Penny go last. Then everyone celebrated. They all go to dinner together. Even Penny and her Dad was joining them. Afterwards Ruby and Weiss says goodbye to the others.

Ruby was surprise at Weiss date plans. They got some Desert form room Service. Feeding each other. Weiss then puts some soft Music on and asked Ruby to dance with her. The slow dance was nice. Ruby was smiling at her date. Then Weiss kissed her lips passionately pulling Ruby Over to the bed. Weiss slowly undress Ruby kissing her body as she goes. How naked Ruby was laying in the bed looking up at her beautiful blue eyes. Weiss then slowly undress her self. Ruby kissed her body just like Weiss was doing to her. Weiss gives herself to Ruby and Ruby gives herself to Weiss. They make love for the first time. It's was a night of passion that neither of them are going to forget. They fall asleep in each other arms.

In the morning they meet up with Yang and Blake and drive home. It takes them 4 and a half hours to get back Weiss has dance practice so Ruby takes her. Giving Yang time with Blake.

When Ozpen see's Weiss and Ruby he was happy. "Oh thank goodness Ruby can you help us build a new sage? Ruby smiled at him. Getting to work both young women kissed then go to different parts of the concert hall to work.

Weiss was thankful to get some dancing in after setting for so long. Ruby help take down the old sage and make a new one. At the end of the day both are sore from working so hard. On the ride home Ruby suggest a hot bath together.

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