Chaper 7- Murder Would Be A Solution For This Chapter

Start from the beginning

Of course, that was how life went, how tragedy went. It didn't have to make sense. It tangled with happiness and pleasure, teasing and taking. Snippets of happiness between flat plains of numb. Life didn't have to make sense. If Draco had learned anything in these past few months, it was that.

"I know. I know, but... Harry?"

"Yeah?" He turned his head slightly to watch Draco and fiddled with his glasses.

"Uh..." Draco paused, clearing his throat. "I actually haven't drunken blood in a while, so... Would you let me?" His tone was quiet, uncomfortable, but Harry nodded.

It was slow. He reached up, gently turning Harry's head to the side, then positioned his mouth at the jugular. Just one bite. What if he wouldn't be able to stop?

His lips parted against Harry's pale, smooth skin. Fangs slid into flesh, and blood was leaking out, and he was drinking. Euphoria took over as his hands tangled in Harry's hair. The other boy whimpered slightly, sounds escaping that made Draco's stomach buzz slightly. They moved together for a while until Harry pushed him away gently.

Unlike most of Gen-Z, he didn't want to die quite yet.

Wrinkling his nose in apology, Harry pulled Draco's face down into a kiss. Not hurried anymore. Tongue and heat and slowness. The taste of iron was slight, adding a tang to the kiss.

It was like walking on a cloud or watching a sunset, kissing him. Soft and sweet, something to look forward to, and gone too soon. It was a kiss that was surprising in its confidence, as it was only their third (not that Draco was counting).

The boys switched places, barely breaking the kiss to do so, just for Harry to press Draco against the wall. Their pupils were dilated, refused to see the truth.

Harry's lips were soft and Draco positively hated them. He hated how they could make him bend and relax and sigh. He hated how each place they touched felt burning hot. Harry's glasses bumped against his nose, which made Draco smile as they kissed again.

They didn't hear the faint snapping of the camera.


"Everything's okay."

Everything was not okay.

To set the scene: a dining hall, filled with students, all chattering about the same photo on social media. To set the scene: a stressed blonde boy walking into the said hall, only for all the noise to quiet like the eye of a hurricane. It was like that for a moment, until a burst of noise suddenly erupted.

It was one kid at first that shouted Gay! As if it was an insult. One girl whispered to her companions; Vampire. Her nose crinkled as if it smelt something sour. It went downhill from there. Children whispered, frightened of the beast that had somehow infiltrated their school. Beast either meaning gay (to the homophobes) or vampire (to everyone else).

And then there was a holler, magically enhanced. "Quiet!!" Dumbledore's voice rang throughout the chamber like a snowstorm; a cold snap in which all the academics fell silent.

And in the silence, everyone heard the metallic clanging of a fork dropping. The skittering of it racing across the ground, and the dull sound of it halting at the base of a table leg.

All eyes turned to Harry, who was frozen, caught in the act of trying to catch a runaway fork that someone had enchanted to be too slippery to pick up. (We're talking about you, Fred. That wasn't nice, and you know it.)

"I-" A small sound growing from the back of his throat, Harry stared at Draco, who stared at Harry.

Eventually, everyone's short, human attention spans were caught up in something else. Chatter continued, all around them, but the lovers were still sitting rigidly. Frosted over, and ice blue worried eyes meeting pine-green shocked ones.

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