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Your POV
It's been 2 weeks with out the love of my life Sabrina I have tryed talking to her but she blocked me on every even my number I still talk to her family like Shawn, Logan, Jake and her sisters they all Believe my side of the story and are all trying to help me get her back. Shawn and camila are letting me stay with them when I'm in la. But all I do is stay In bed like I have no motivation for anything anymore.

Come on y/n/n let's go get some Starbucks that should help you . Camila says coming in to my room.

Camz I already told you I don't want to go anywhere. I told her pulling the covers over me

Please I well by it for you . She said smiling looking at me

Ughh fine but let me shower first. I said getting up .

Yayy thank you . She said and talked out.

I got some clothes out of my dresser and when went to the bathroom and got in the shower. I got out and put my clothes on and then did my hair and then I walk down the stairs to where camila was.

Hey I'm ready. I said as she type something on her phone.

Ok great let's go. She said grabbing her purse . I stopped and looked at her.

Shawn not coming. I said looking at her.

Uhh nope he's at the studio. She said. She's laying I can tell but I just go with it because I'm already ready and don't really feel like trying to get it out of her. Like I said I'm lost without Sabrina. We got in the car and she started to drive I was looking around as you drove. When we got to the Starbucks I thought it looked familiar around here it's the one buy Sabrinas house.

Really camila did we have to come to this one . I said looking at her.

Yes now come on. She said parking and getting out.

Great we are going in. I got out and followed her . When we got in side I looking around to come sure she wasn't there well guess what there she was the girl that my stupid ex and her dumb ass boyfriend broke. I looked at her settings there with Sarah, Joey, and Shaw. She looked so sad I just waited to run up to her and hug her but I couldn't do that. I look at camila she was looking at me smiling.

How did I not know this was a set up. I said look at her

To be honest I don't really know but I finally got something like with to work so please go make things better look at you both you looks so broken. She said smiling softly

Fine but your actually buying me Starbucks know my order. I said walking over to the table they where all at .

I stopped walk for a minute to think Sarah was the first one to see me see looked at Sabrina then me she smiles lightly and waves me over sigh and keep walking I'm guessing Sabrina know about this already because she hasn't look up once she just looking at the table playing with her fingers.

Hey y/n. Sarah said softy and smile lightly.
I just smile lightly back .

Well you two clearly have some talking and catching up to do so we well leave you to it . Shawn said getting up.

Joey just glared at me Sarah and Shawn pull her to where camila is. I sigh and and look at Sabrina

Umm h-hi sabs . I said quitely just to get her attention and start the conversation.

H-hello. She said still looking down playing with her fingers.

I grab her hands because I know she does that when she's nervous. I lightly Squeeze her hand and she lightly squeeze it and looks up at me I take that as an ok to start talking.

Sabrina I'm so so sorry by the looks for it we are both hurting so bad from this but I hope you know that I would never never do something like that to you i was/I'm still so in love with you there's no one in this world I would never want to be with but you you saved me Sabrina how could I just be ok or with someone else after that you mean the fricking world to me you always have and always well rather we get back together or we are just friends or even if you never want to see me again after this I don't care as long as your happy. I said looking in to her eyes use both letting a couple tires fall .

I'm so sorry i should have just had you stay i was just so shocked and upset and I just didn't know how to act I just miss you so much your the only person in the world I would never want to be with. She said look in to my eyes.

Well then Since we both back on the same page how about we try this love thing again. I smile looking into her eyes and move closer to her .

I would really like that. She said wrap her arms around my neck and pulling me in to meet her lips are lips meet and we kiss and here camila,Shawn, Sarah, and Joey clapping .

(A/n wowwww it's been along time I'm sorry y'all I just lost motivation for a long time but I'm slowly getting it back but anyways here's the chapter that you all have been waiting for is this book really that good Bc people where like Bagging but always I'm glad you guys like it let me know if y'all like this chapter)

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