Day two

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You, Vincent, and Mike had decided to go to your house and vibe. You had went to your room and put on pajamas, but since they were both taller than you, as you were 5'0", Mike was 5'8" ((I did the math- 5'8" is 4'20")) and Vincent towered over you at a mighty 6'3", they wouldn't be able to fit in any of the clothes you had.

There was a knock on the door, and you got up and went to get it.

"Hey foxy. Who's your friend?"

Mike and Vincent immediately looked over.

These two guys looked normal?? Other than the fact that they had animal ears and one was wearing a pirate costume.

"Golden Freddy."

You nodded and let them in then flopped on the couch.

Foxy sat in between you and Vincent, foxy was a little bit Taller than the other dude.

You hummed and yawned, leaning on golden Freddy and turning on a movie.

Goldie blushed softly and wrapped an arm around you while you hummed to the sound track of the music.

Vincent glared at foxy, then Goldie, then at the tv, crossing his arms.

You yawned quietly and snuggled Goldie a little, falling asleep halfway through the movie, Mike was the first to notice so he got up and took you to your room, laying you in your bed and covered you up, being careful not to wake you before kissing your forehead and leaving the room, turning off the light and closing the door on the way out.

Male!human!FNaF x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now