I'm Coming Out

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Day after Prom, 2012

Tiffany got up early in the morning. She didn't want to miss any of the details from Andrew about prom night. Tiffany and Brian stayed home that night, questioning the fate of their relationship. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and got up and changed into her pajamas. She headed out of her bedroom, walking by Anna in the kitchen. Anna gave her a look that was part question, part annoyance.

"You're up early," Anna remarked. Tiffany looked over at her step-mom and gave a small smile.

"I want to know what happened to Andy on prom night," Tiffany said, "Is that a crime?" She walked further towards Andrew's door and gave a small knock.

"I don't think it's a good idea to wake them." Tiffany reared her head around the corner and shot Anna a look. She slowly opened the door and peered inside. Ryan and Andrew were naked under the sheets, spots of blood, and the clothes askew all over the floor. Tiffany let out a loud shrill, slamming the door closed and running into Anna. Ryan and Andrew stirred in the bed being awoken by the loud noise. Andrew scrambling for some change of clothing and Ryan looking for his boxers in the nest of suits.


"Tiffany, calm down," Anna said. Wilson walked into the room and rubbed his eyes. Anna let out a sigh. She turned back to Tiffany who was crying, "I'm not done with you yet. Go to your room." Tiffany nodded her head and slammed her door shut. Wilson watched as Anna and Tiffany parted ways, silent and bitter towards one another. Andrew's door opened and Andrew was wearing a towel around his waist. His hair was matted and frizzy.

"What happened?" Wilson asked. Anna looked at Andrew and Wilson, Andrew kept shaking his head.

"Tiffany saw Andrew in bed naked with his date," Anna said.

"Date?" Wilson said, "Congrats!"

"It's not the kind of date that you would expect?" Andrew said.

"Sure it is, that is why you and Ryan were at our house while you were going to surprise your dates at the prom." Andrew looked over at his mom. Wilson looked over at Andrew and then at Anna. Anna went to the coffee pot to make a large cup of coffee for Wilson and a couple of eggs. Wilson kept looking at Andrew until Ryan walked out of the bedroom, he had on a pair of boxers he scrounged from the pile of suits and ties. Wilson's eyes got a little wider.

"Hey Anna, you got enough coffee for another cup?" Wilson asked.

"It's right here," Anna pointed behind her at the mug with the Millennial Falcon on the side. Wilson grabbed it and took a large sip of coffee.

"Morning, Mr. Pearson," Ryan said. Wilson waved a small hand and went to the kitchen table. Andrew looked over at Ryan and shot him an angry look.

"What?" Ryan asked. Andrew mouthed that Tiffany knew what happened between the two of them. Ryan rolled his eyes and sat up on the breakfast bar. Wilson stood there with his coffee pursed to his lips. Anna shot him a look to make a nice conversation. Wilson took a sip of his coffee and placed the mug on the counter.

"So...Tiffany says you two were seen in the bed together?" Wilson asked.

"Oh my God," Anna hissed.


"You can't just ask them out front about what happened." Andrew and Ryan looked over at the two standing in the kitchen, mugs opposite of each counter. Ryan reached over for a banana and began to eat it. Andrew just sat uncomfortably with his hands in his lap watching the drama unfold.

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