Introduction to Cherry Bomb

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Cherry Bomb is a story originally something I wrote in college during my creative writing class. I was just about to graduate and this was the last class I took. The title is based on the song by The Runaways that Joan Jett then covered years later. For those who don't know, a cherry bomb was someone who was underage and was very sexually active. The other term for underage sexual girls was known as jailbait because having sex with a minor is illegal and you could end up in jail for child prostitution.

The original story is called Discovery: The Andrew Tanner Story. It was based on the relationships and interactions I had with kids who identified as different forms of sexuality.

I still have the written manuscript and outlines of the characters. I based Andrew Tanner, now Andrew Rainey in the Cherry Bomb story, off of pictures of Joey Ramone. Some of the other characters were based on people I was dating or people I liked but never dated.

This story was also a personal project for me. I often stayed in touch with my friends via Facebook and I know that some of my friends were having difficult times in their relationship problems than school or work and I purely wanted to focus on the relationship aspect.

This isn't a romance or a love story, this is a relationship story. I hope you all enjoy and I hope you have a wonderful time reading my first almost-completed story from college. I know for me it is going to take a while to read and re-map but I will get there eventually.

-Heather Forensky, future author

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