(Important) My Thoughts on Shane Dawson

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Hi Foxlings. Over the past few days or years I've seen some stuff pop up that has put Shane Dawson in a bit of a bad reputation. This is just my thoughts and side from what I have seen.

If you have read my books for Escape the Night then you know that my two OCs, Karlea and Nathan, are the younger siblings to Shane Dawson. Although it is not defined if they are blood siblings or step siblings. In my version of ETN, Shane is meant to be seen as a protector of his siblings and a member of the Society Against Evil. Since he was in the first episode of season 1 in the canon ETN and later mentioned, I am keeping Shane in the story.

I know that people have been spreading things about Shane Dawson  for what he did in the past. My thing is I am a fan of Shane's conspiracy videos but, the only times I have watched some of his other videos was the one for the first chapter of this book and the apology video he made recently. I don't agree with the comments he has made, the blackface or other related stuff, but seeing as how I have not seen some of the videos he has made, it is not my place to say.

I don't know if he was being honest in the apology video or not, but I am not going to spread or say anything bad about him, except I hope that it works itself out and whatever happens happens. Bye for now foxlings.

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