Ep. 6 Endless Winter Night

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Karlea's POV

     I was happy because that meant that maybe we would be able to get out of here. "So what is next?" I asked. "Well, before we saw Sampson die, he gave Liza and I this scroll. To recover the next gem, outsider. You must save our realm from the evil Ice Witch's wrath. I have placed a compass in the hearth that will lead you to our realm." Tyler readout. "A hearth isn't that a fireplace," Joey said.

     Joey and Alex walked over towards the fireplace and pushed out a couple of loose bricks, and pulled out the compass and a scroll. "Was that all that was in there? Wait here's a scroll." I said and opened the scroll.

     "The compass will lead you to a portal between worlds, but it has lost its source of magic in your realm. My spellbook has an incantation that can help you. " I read. We headed towards the bookshelf and looked through the leather-bound books until we found the one we needed. "The spell to restore magic requires two components. A vile of maiden's blood and ash's remains of a hero. One is hidden in the dining room and the other is in the sick room on the second floor. Recover these and you will be ready to cast the spell." I readout. I decided to go with Alex, Tana, and Tyler to find the ashes.

     We went into the dining room and it looked like it was set for a dinner party. "Look for an urn that would be full of like dust. Check that right there Tyler." Alex told us. "Guys, I never got to say this before but I am so sorry that I had bought this upon you. I will use all the powers that I have to keep you guys safe." I told them. "Karlea, it's alright. You did not know about all of this." Tana told me. We kept looking for the urn. "Guys, Captain Wesley Adams, war hero, and father. May his ash and remains be encased in clay. That has to be what we are looking for. Tana told us. "Guys found it. Ashes. There's ash in here." Don't inhale it. Alex informed us. "Okay let's go back and wait for the others," I said.  

     "I can't believe we found it this quick, and they're having problems," Alex stated. "I think at voting, we should remember how long it is taking them to find something," Tana said. "Do you think we should make an alliance?" I asked. "I am so down for an alliance. Our alliance says we can't vote for each other." Tyler said. "Vote for me on this next one though alright and we have a deal," I said. "Agreed." Alex,  Tyler, and Tana said. "We made an alliance," Tana said. After a couple more minutes, the other came. 

     "Okay, the incantation says to make a circle with the ash and place the object inside. And then speak the words of the spell as the maiden's blood is dripped around the ash and circle." I readout. "Do you wanna try it together? Like all at the same time. Okay, hold onto this book." Gabbi told us. "Pella Embella Templa Ella Ay." We all repeated three times before the compass started to glow green. "This is the compass," Tyler informed us. "My light will lead you into forgotten realms. It will glow brightest when you move in the proper direction." We heard a voice say. 

     We started walking towards the hallway and Andrea is leading the way. We went on the balcony and saw a woman with her hands over her head. We went towards her and said hello to her. "The heroes of our prophecy have arrived. Our world has been cursed and we need your help. The once lowly ice witch has obtained a gem, giving her great power." She told us. We need that gem. "To defeat her you will need to find the unquenchable fire, which lies on the path of betrayal. To get to the path, you will need to find the talisman. The evil harpies got it and they will tear you to pieces unless you have great warrior by your side. Torhil the Undying was such a warrior until he was frozen by the ice witch. There is a spell in my book that can undo the curse." She told us. 

     Standing in front of us was an ice statue of a man, which I was guessing was Torhil the Undying. We found the spell and the two things we needed were the Moss King's scepter and tears from a fairy. We started looking around for a fairy or moss. "Fairy tears would be pretty small," Tyler told everyone. I was looking around in the water, and there was something orange shining. "Wylo can you hold onto my dress for me? I don't want to fall into the water." I asked Wylo, leaning down and grabbing the orange thing. Once I touched it, the sphere disappeared and absorbed into my hand. I opened my hand and there was a fire. "Would this be a bad moment to sing this girl is on fire? Probably, but right now it is true." I asked myself. 

       Joey told us that he found a flute with a note. "Play the proper notes to make a fairy appear, then you must make her laugh until she cries." Joey read out the note. Joey played the flute and then we saw a fairy. "There she is!" Alex told us. We ran over to the fairy. Alex and Gabbie tried getting her to laugh, then Joey twerked for her. 

       After some time we sang the spell that we used to give the compass magic. That worked and she gave us her tears, then Joey found the Moss King's scepter.

To Be Continued

(A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out. I am in college and now on Thanksgiving break. Also thank you to everyone for the support, ideas, views, and... In all honesty you guys are the best. That's it for now. See you in the next update, which hopefully will not take a couple years. Bye foxlings!)

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