Not By Works

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Not by works but by Grace and through Faith,

Although sometimes I visualize standing before your face,

Being rejected because I failed, or misinterpreted your will,

Is there any way that I can tell, that you would accept me still,

Many days I look in the mirror, blurred by the thought of what if,

Other days I can see clearer, but my actions are often stiff,

To walk in my calling, willfully I seek the challenge,

But strategic thinking keeps me stalling, inconsistently off balance,

What if my life testifies, against everything my soul desires,

Will I lose the ability as it abides, to uplift and inspire,

To stand to be righteous, although sometimes I fail,

Will I influence through my actions, although conflicting with myself,

Still my heart is hidden with you, regardless of my mistakes,

Without Mercy I have no clue, but I believe because of Grace,

That I can be made free, and trust in what you've done,

The final sacrifice is complete, above this, there is none,

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