Knights of Ardonia

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A reasonably short amount of time had passed since Thalleous' death. It had felt like a short amount of time.

"Shhh, quietly now. This is a following session, not a 'be a clomper' session," I whispered to Kayla.
"I wasn't 'clomping'," she responded quietly.
"Shut up you two," Gallaniara whipered firmly.
"Nevermind, we just need the entrance of their base," I whipered. We crept closer to the young Nestoris Ardoni that was entering their base. He flicked a lever and walked inside, then closed it from inside. I jumped down from where I was creeping and listened to the door.  The footsteps were going away. I motioned for Gallaniara and Kayla to jump down. I flicked the lever and crept to the other lever inside, Gallaniara and Kayla followed. I closed the door. I turned and saw the Nestoris there. He had a horrified look on his face.
"Shh! We're not here to attack you," I quietly said to him. He was frozen with fear. "Hello? Did you listen to a word I said?" He snapped out of it and nodded. "We're here to help, not kill your group." His eyes narrowed at Kayla.
"Who are you?" He asked a bit too loudly for my liking.
"Kayla Voltaris-Sendaris. You?" She said, holding her hand out for him to shake. He shook her hand.
"Hubris Nestoris." He looked over at Gallaniara and I. "Who are you?"
"This is Abalyes Voltaris and I'm Gallaniara Voltaris," Gallaniara said.
"I recognize those markings. Is she related to Galleous?"
"He's my uncle," Kayla said. "My father is Thalleous Sendaris."
"And I recognize your markings Gallaniara. I can recognize those cursed markings anywhere." Gallaniara seemed a bit taken back.
"Ingressus is my brother. I'm nothing like him," Gallaniara said, lowering her voice.
"Hubris? Who's there?" A voice asked that was getting closer. I whipped around and drew my sword and pointed it at them. It was a young, female Sendaris. She drew her enchanted spear and pointed it back at me.
"Why are there three Voltaris here?" She demanded. I put my sword back on my back. She seemed surprised by my action. "You're not attacking us?"
"We have no reason to. We are just here to help," I said.
"She has blue... Is she a crossbreed?" The girl motioned to Kayla. Kayla rolled her eyes and nodded. The girl's spear was still pointed at me.
"Wait! Don't attack them!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I turned to the direction of the voice.
"Galleous?" I said, shocked.
"Abalyes! Gallaniara! And someone new..." He looked at Kayla's markings. "That looks a bit too familiar."
"Thalleous didn't tell you? She's your niece!"
"Not a word. Ria, put the spear down." Ria sighed and put it down.
"How do you know each other?" Ria asked.
"It's kind of a long story. In short we met after the Great War." I scoffed.
"Yeah, long and funny story," I said, looking over at Gallaniara. She rolled her eyes. There was a pause.
"I suppose you should meet the rest of the team," Ria said, motioning for us to follow. We walked over to a fire place with logs around it to sit on. There was the familiar clanless Ardoni, a Jaggerthan, a Felina, a Magnorite and a species I didn't know the name of. The Jaggerthan stood up and got into an attack position before realising we weren't attacking Hubris, Galleous or Ria. He put his diamond, double ended sword down.
"Voltaris? We're really that desperate?" The Jaggerthan asked. Hubris ignored his question.
"This is Abalyes and Gallaniara Voltaris. The Voltaris-Sendaris is Kayla," he said, introducing us.
"How do we know they're not going to attack us? Or are they spies?"
"They haven't posed a threat and I don't think they will. They know both Thalleous and Galleous." Everyone was silent as they thought through this.
"That clanless one, wasn't that the kid Thalleous wanted us to take?" I asked Gallaniara quietly. Ria overheard my question.
"What?! Thalleous wanted you to take Senn?" She almost yelled. I saw Senn's eyes widen. "He could've been raised by Voltaris?"
"There's nothing wrong with that," I said.
"Yes there is. I wouldn't of met him until he joined the Knights of Ardonia."
"Don't worry about that possibility. He's here and you know him."
"Wait, if Thalleous wanted you to take him, why didn't you? I'm only asking out of curiosity."
"With all the traveling we did and with Kayla on the way, we couldn't take him."
"Kayla's younger? She seems older to me." Everyone was silent again. "We have a mission. A group of Voltaris were spotted not too far away and we are going to intercept them and defeat their team. Get prepared, we leave at sunset."

Abalyes VoltarisWhere stories live. Discover now