He's Alive

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We'd been traveling for what felt like a long time. I had lost track of time halfway to Mt Velgrin, so had Gallaniara.

"What do you think is waiting for us at Mt Velgrin?" Gallaniara asked, adjusting the pack she had on her back. Her sword was attached to the pack, the same with my sword. I shrugged. "Castros did say there were other Voltaris, but what else do you think is going to be there?"
"Hopefully someone who's on our side," I said. I had other thoughts on my mind. Gallaniara rolled her eyes.
"Cheer up a bit. We're almost there." We'd been able to see the mountain range for a while now.

We slowly walked up the steep mountain path on the side of Mt Velgrin. When we reached the top, we were greeted by the tips of many swords.
"Who are you and what do you want?" A male Voltaris said, he sounded quite young. He didn't seem to care Gallaniara and I were both Voltaris. I rolled my eyes.
"We come from the North. Our village was attacked and we've been on the road since. Does that give enough of an explanation?" I asked sarcastically. The Voltaris motioned to the other Voltaris to put their swords down.
"Come. You've got a story to tell."

We walked to the clearing on the mountain and there was an Ardoni that looked almost identical to Gallaniara. She noticed as well.
"Ingressus?" She prompted. He turned around.
"Gallaniara? You're alive? How?" He was in complete shock. She ran up to him and wrapped him in a tight hug. They were both crying into each other's shoulders. I smiled, happy that Gallaniara's brother was still alive. They were like that for a couple minutes.
"How'd you survive? I saw you fall!" Gallaniara let go of him.
"I don't know. I was rescued by some Nestoris though."
"That would explain why one of the Nestoris attackers on my village recognized me."
"Who'd you bring along?"
"That's Abalyes." Gallaniara motioned towards me. Ingressus smiled at me, then diverted his attention back to his sister.
"Now I get to ask how you survived. How did you survive?"
"I came across Abalyes' village. She found me and her mother took care of me. If Abalyes hadn't of found me, I wouldn't be here right now." Gallaniara thought for a moment. "Wait, why aren't you with the Nestoris still?" Ingressus stayed quiet for a moment.
"I got refused the Prime Songs. All I wanted to do was help our clan. Make us better than we once were."
"And? What are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to get the Prime Songs by force." He had a grim expression on his face after he said that. "I'm going to take a small attack team with me." Gallaniara nodded.
"Who'd you want to take with you?" Ingressus thought for a moment.
"Abalyes, Lucidius and Tygren." I was shocked to be chosen.
"Are you sure you want to take me?" I asked him. He nodded.
"The question you should be asking is, are you sure you want to take Lucidius and Tygren?" A female Voltaris off to the side asked. "They're some of the youngest Voltaris we have here."
"I am sure," Ingressus said. "We leave at once. Get your weapons." I approached Gallaniara and gave her my pack, I had taken my sword off of it and put it on my back.
"Stay safe okay? I want to see you in one piece," she said.
"I'll come back in one piece, don't you worry," I comforted her. She looked uncertain.

Our small team arrived, under the cover of darkness, at the place where the Prime Songs were kept by the masters. It felt wierd being separated from Gallaniara since we had been together for so long. Ingressus took the lead and ignited his diamond broadsword. The bright flames licked the blade and I thought for a moment that the sword might melt.
"Make a big circle around this place. Let no-one escape," Ingressus instructed. The other two obeyed his orders and I did as well. I crept through the place, sticking to the shadows and took my place at the West. I saw Ingressus pass and he wasn't being so stealthy. He was just walking, menacingly. Once he passed, I heard screams and silence following those screams. Eventually, Ingressus called for us to come and meet him in the middle, I had no choice but to obey his order. I was not used to this, yet Tygren and Lucidius, two Voltaris who were younger than me, had no trouble or, as it seemed, second thoughts. We met up in the middle, Ingressus looked disappointed.
"Do you have the Prime Song?" Lucidius asked. Ingressus almost glared at him.
"No," Ingressus said sharply. I heard footsteps come up behind me. I whipped around and knocked whoever it was to the ground, pointing my sword at his chest. It was a Nestoris. He looked absolutely terrified. I froze, realising where this might end. The Nestoris didn't take advantage of my frozen state.
"Please, don't kill me. I have a brother," the Nestoris pleaded.
"What's your name?" I managed to muster.
"Iferenas Nestoris." Ingressus shifted uncomfortably, like he knew him. Iferenas didn't move, Tygren and Lucidius were growing impatient.
"Abalyes, what are you waiting for?" Lucidius said. I heard his sword scraping the ground beside then behind me. If I didn't kill Iferenas, I would be killed myself. I hesitated, took a deep breath and plunged my sparkling diamond blade through his chest. He screamed and the light from his dark yellow markings bled out into the darkness. I shook as I pulled my sword out of Iferenas' chest. I slowly turned away from him and Lucidius was standing behind me, scowling at me. I just wanted to punch him for making me do that, no, I wanted to make him suffer.

Abalyes VoltarisWhere stories live. Discover now