The Attack

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It had been over ten years since I found Gallaniara at the entrance to my village. Our bond had grown very strong, we did almost everything together. Including eavesdropping on my mother, uncle and father whenever they had those talk things. There hadn't been much interesting stuff for quite a long time though.

"Abalyes, can you just slow down for once?" Gallaniara asked, panting. We were sparring in the training grounds with the swords my uncle had given us. Our blades never seemed to dull with each hit. I had become a very skilled fighter, and I could actually focus on the battle, not everything around me. I was also faster than her now, but she had her strengths. Gallaniara hit hard and sometimes fast, stunning you temporarily if you weren't ready.
"No, never," I replied with a cheeky grin. I was also starting to tire.
"Okay, I'm going to get something to eat and drink. You're really starting to tire me out." Gallaniara put her sword across her back and started walking towards our home.
"I'm coming too!"

When we entered our cave, we saw my mother and father looking very upset over something.
"What's happened?" I asked them. My father looked up at me and then back at the ground.
"It's about your uncle... He was.. was killed in an ambush," my father said. He was struggling not to let his emotions show.
"What!? Who did it?" My voice raised a couple notches.
"Other Ardoni. Some of the other clans. They're hunting down Voltaris. I.. I need to talk to your mother, alone. Go outside for the time being." We did as he asked and then turned around and listened to their conversation.
"They're getting ever so closer to our village. We will need to make a move soon," my mother almost whispered.
"What are we going to do?" My father sounded like he was close to tears.
"Let's get the kids, even though they don't really classify as kids anymore, packed. It'll make..." Screams, lots of sceams came from outside. My parents rushed out, not even caring that Gallaniara and I were there. We followed them. I saw the attack team consisted of the other Ardoni clans; Nestoris, Sendaris, Kaltaris and Mendoris.
"Gallaniara, Abalyes! Go get Drekader! Quickly!" My father shouted over the terrified screams. We ran to the training grounds and found my brother trying to hold out against an older Mendoris.
"Drekader!" I yelled as loud as I could. He heard me and glanced over at me. His sword clashed against the Mendoris' blade. I was about to reach for my sword and help Drekader, but Gallaniara held me back. My brother was knocked to the ground.
"Not bad kid. But not good enough," the Mendoris snarled before he plunged his blade into Drekader's chest.
"NOOOOOOO," I screamed. I watched Drekader's dark blood red markings fade as he died. Gallaniara grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small, concealed hole. I was almost frozen with shock.
"Abalyes! Pull yourself together!" She whipered sharply. "We need to get out of here. Preferably unscathed." I looked into her eyes, she would've been able to see the grief. I could tell she was holding it back, but probably was going to break down after we got to safety.
"Where do we go? We're Voltaris, Gallaniara," I whispered. She looked uncertain.
"First we just get away from this place." I nodded. "Okay, we go out and escape in 3... 2... 1... Go! Go! Go!" We dashed out of the hole and drew our swords. A nearby Nestoris noticed us and started advancing. I got into a ready position, Gallaniara doing the same. There seemed to be a flicker of recognition in the Nestoris' eyes towards Gallaniara. Then he stopped, uncertain if he should attack us. I was almost going to insult him until Gallaniara bet me to it.
"What are you waiting for?" Gallaniara asked with a hint of malice in her voice. I glanced at her, it seemed she really wanted this fight. The Nestoris didn't respond or move.
"Your markings.. they look so familiar," he eventually said. Gallaniara looked confused.
"How?" But before the Nestoris could answer her question, he was stabbed in the back. His deep, yellow markings fading before our eyes. My father stood behind him.
"You two, get out of here! If you really want directions, head towards Mt Velgrin. There are other Voltaris there, but be careful, they and all of Ardonia are fighting a war," my father said. A Sendaris came up behind him and swung at his head. My father blocked the attack and turned around. Gallaniara grabbed my hand and started running in the direction of the entrance, but we were cut off by a Kaltaris and Mendoris. The same Mendoris that killed my brother. I looked at him with such hatred in my eyes that he actually flinched. Gallaniara and I bolted down the path with our swords outstretched beside us. The two Ardoni warriors gave chase, but they couldn't catch up to us and soon gave up.

We had been walking in the snow for about three hours. Neither of us had said much in that amout of time.
"We should probably somewhat set up for the night," Gallaniara said quietly. I agreed and we found small cave off to the side of where we were headed. Once we got inside, we both sat next to each other and let out our grief. It was heartbreaking to know that my whole family was dead, but I knew I still had Gallaniara.

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