How it All Started

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I was passing by the entrance to my village when I saw her. She looked starved and beaten, her red-orange markings slightly flickering. She looked about my age. I quickly rushed up to her in the snow and caught her before she fell from exhaustion.
"MOTHER!" I shouted. My mother came running to my side, then scooped the girl up into her arms. I followed my mother to our small cave and my mother started working her magic on her. My mother was a very skilled healer and she was training me to fight and to be a healer. My father couldn't teach me to fight, in fact, he refused to, thinking I would be killed on the battle field.
My mother sent me to grab some ingredients to help the girl gather her strength again. The liquid she got the girl to drink didn't have the most appealing smell. Her markings were starting to get ever so slowly darker. My mother didn't panick though, she skillfully tended to the girls wounds and got her to drink things. I stood watching the whole time, not wanting to interfere and put the girl's life in more danger.
"Abalyes, go get some sleep, I will be here a while," my mother instructed me gently. I reluctantly obeyed and went to my room. I didn't exactly go to sleep though and started pacing the room, I couldn't stop thinking about that girl that had just suddenly appeared at the entrance of our village. She must of gotten into a battle of some kind. Her parents definitely think she should be a warrior. I can't believe my father doesn't want me to, I thought. I layed on my bed and sleep finally took me into its depths.

Later that night, I was gently shaken awake. I rolled over to see my mother, exhausted.
"Is she okay?" I asked, worry taking over my expression.
"Yes, she's just sleeping now. Don't worry yourself so much. Well, if you're wondering why I woke you up, I woke you up because I knew you'd want to know as soon as possible," my mother said. I nodded and she walked out of my room. I fell immediately back to sleep.

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