Chapter 6: What The Actual Flying...

Start from the beginning

The three of them nodded and I shifted awkwardly in my seat from embarrassment. It felt like a teacher calling out your bullies in front of the entire class and you know deep down it's only going to get worst.

I reluctantly looked back up at them and while Paul was simmering in his seat, the woman and the other guy, both gave me welcoming smiles.

Relief flooded through me knowing that at least these two liked me. Unlike Paul and his Alpha.

As the plane ascended into the sky and levelled out, I turned to Aiden and saw his nose deep in the book he borrowed from my pack's library.

He didn't look up as he concentrated intently at what he was reading, and I took the moment to study him.

You can't tell from far, but he had tiny freckles littered across his cheeks. His smooth skin was pulled against high cheekbones and then dipped into cheeks that held dimples. Eyebrows furrowed and lips pulled thin, he looked about ready to go enter the gates of Olympus or wage a war.

Catastrophically beautiful but carrying the wrath of a thousand men. A potent combination.

"Luna," Someone called, and my head snapped to the other side of the plane just as Aiden looked up from his pages.

A blush coated my cheeks as I felt Aiden's eyes on me, but I ignored him as I nodded at the other guy from Aiden's pack.

"Please, call me Tate," I told him.

"Well, Tate, it's nice to officially meet you. Name's Kai," He grinned as he unbuckled himself and got up to shake my hand.

I shook Kai's hand grateful for his kindness.

Aiden growled lowly as he looked at our handshake, "Hands Kai."

"Don't worry Alpha, you know you're more my type than she is," He winked at me as Aiden let out a grumble and kept quiet.

"I won't let Matt hear you say that if I were you," The girl said as Kai took his seat again. "Hey, I'm Loly."

"Nice to meet you both," I said as a genuine smile graced my face. "But who's Matt?"

"My mate, who's back home," Kai informed me. "He's been excited about meeting our Luna ever since I told him Aiden found you."

I chuckled nervously as I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans, "To be honest, I'm quite nervous to meet the pack."

"What? Don't be," Loly waved. "They'll love you. And Alpha Aiden who will probably kill anyone who crosses you," She threw in with a mischievous wink.

"Loly," Aiden warned.

She simply shrugged as she and Kai started talking about their pack back home.

But then Kai said something that threw me off.

"You'll love the sand-"

"The what?" I looked at him in confusion. "Do you have a sandpit in the middle of the Oaks Forest?" I joked.

He gave me a baffled expression and even Paul turned around with a dumbfounded look.

"What are you on about?" Paul asked.

I raised a brow, "Kai said sand but you all live in the forest..."

"You haven't told her?" Paul turned to Aiden whose knuckles were white from the tight grip he had on the book in his hands.

"Haven't gotten around to it," He muttered under his breath.

"Tell me what? Aiden?"

When he didn't answer Paul spoke up, "You need to-"

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