Chapter 18 - Internships; Patrolling in Hosu

Start from the beginning

"My name is Ingenium!" 'Ingenium' cried out indignantly, despite the fact that his helmet had been knocked off with nothing more than a flick of the Hero Killer's sword.
"Ingenium? I thought I already dealt with that fake hero." Stain replied plainly, eyes narrowing at the student before him. "A student? This isn't a good time to be playing hero, and I personally don't like killing kids. Now scra-"
"Fake hero?" 'Ingenium' replied, tears welling up in his eyes, "Ingenium was a wonderful well-respected hero, and a most excellent brother!" Stain did not reply as the student continued their emotional release, "As such he has asked me to inherit his name, and so I will arrest you in his place! Remember the name of Ingenium, as it will be the name of the hero who defeats you!"

Stain did not immediately reply, instead opting to gesture to Native, currently bleeding from a shoulder wound. "If you were a true hero, you would have saved them, rather than focusing on your pathetic little plan for vengeance." He spoke. The student seemed to only just realize if the widening of their eyes was any indication. However, rather than continuing the war with words, they charged up their quirk, engines based in their legs, and took a large kick.

Moving in a single fluid motion, he knocked the student to the ground and cut them with one of many, many blades. Licking the blood, he sighed. "If you are the future, we are done for." Stain stood over the top of the downed student, blade in hand as he aimed for where the student's heart should be. As much as it pained him to do this, which it didn't in any way whatsoever, he would have to rid the world of this fake hero. "Now die."

What Stain wasn't expecting, was for a little green blur of lightning to come along and completely annihilate the sword.

Izuku had propelled himself to Stain, moving at an unprecedented speed, and Iida was incredibly relieved that he wasn't going to die today as he noticed himself being pulled further down the alley and a confused Stain holding the handle of his blade. "Another kid? This isn't a daycare." Stain remarked, before pulling out another set of blade.
"Can you move?" Izuku asked Iida, who was still laid on the ground.
"No, it's part of his quirk, don't let him cut you. There's someone else near him, a pro-hero I believe." Iida replied.
"Do you know the current address?"
"I can figure it out."
"Great, speak it into this and explain the situation." Izuku said, handing Iida a small earpiece. Iida grunted and began to list out the information, explaining the situation and hoping that help would be here soon.

Meanwhile, Izuku stood, narrowing his eyes at his opponent. Stain. From the few reports, the villain fought based on a skewed justice system, with an abundance of blades and extreme speed. Looking at Stain's shoes and various armaments, that was more than apparent. Right now though, Izuku had to try and get the other pro out of danger. Bracing himself he let the green lightning envelop him as he grabbed the hero and pulled them out of danger with Iida, before Stain could react. 'The alley is too long to be able to drag one out and then the other before the Hero Killer notices, and trying to carry both out with the wounds they have would be disastrous, and Stain would easily catch up. Whelp. Here goes nothing.' Izuku placed the two almost victims of Stain's rampage behind him, and glided smoothly into the dodging stance. 'Hawks was right, this does get easier, but now is not the time for that'. Glaring at the Hero Killer, he spoke a simple demand. "I will not let you kill either of them, if you want to do that then you'll have to go through me."
"Ha. I like you kid. You have a bit of spunk. But unfortunately, I'm gonna have to kill them, whether or not you like it." Stain replied, gripping a pair of knives in one hand and a longer blade in another. Izuku didn't reply, instead opting to steel himself and moved some more charge in his hands. 'If there are any blade, I'll want to destroy them so he can't reuse them, and ideally if I can lay a hand on him I can shock him into submission or at least stun him long enough. There's not enough time where I can stand still and guide any lightning through the ground, so for now I'll have to do this. He'll probably start by throwing the two knives, and following up with a slice with the longer blade.'

Izuku's theory regarding how the Hero Killer would start turned out to be correct, two knives thrown in quick succession, both of which Izuku was able to dodge with little effort. He wasn't able to catch them but they simply flew past, further down the alley to the point where it wouldn't be practical for Stain to want to go and collect them. 

Eyeing the blade, Izuku waited for Stain to rush him as he further steeled his nerves. In a blur of red, Stain rushed towards Izuku with his blade outstretched, and Izuku jumped back slightly as he waited for Stain to complete the follow through. As soon as he did, Izuku reached out with one hand and quickly grabbed the blade, destroying the blade and briefly shocking Stain.

Instinctively, Stain recoiled and looked at the now destroyed blade with confusion, before jumping further back into the alley. Izuku had managed to slightly graze his hand, and a small amount of blood steadily dripped out. Thankfully it wasn't enough to hold him back in any way. 'It wasn't the cut! But what was it then?' Looking back to Iida and Native, he was trying to figure out the common factor when it hit him. 'Blood! Something about the blood... any similar paralyzation quirks require some form of contact... and if he's so obsessed with blood then it's something to do with him touching or ingesting blood.' Izuku thought, glaring at Stain whilst in the dodging stance. "The look on your face, you've figured it out haven't you?" Stain spoke, meeting Izuku's glare with a bemused smile, "I'll finish off the thought for you. My quirk lets me paralyze an individual temporarily after ingesting their blood." He finished, showing off a grotesque tongue in the process.

'It doesn't change what I need to do,' Izuku thought, dodging another pair of knives, 'I need to stall until some back-up arrives, I doubt the Hero Killer will keep fighting if there's several heroes.

"You're tenacious. I like you." Stain said, pulling out two more blades. "But, you must be put down, like the rest of these stupid fakes."
"Izuku! You should leave! Save your own life!" Iida called out as Izuku braced himself to avoid Stain's next strikes.
"No! I'm not leaving you here to die!" Izuku responded, simultaneously zipping over to Stain and destroyed one of the blades before zipping back, moving so fast he was nothing but a blur of green to those around him.
"It's not worth your life to save mine!" Iida replied, tearing up.
"So? That's a hero's job!" Izuku replied, dodging the other blade by the bare minimum, "To save those that need saving, no matter the price!"

Jumping back, Izuku took advantage of Stain needing to pull out yet another pair of blades to look at Iida directly. "And least of all am I going to leave my friend to die! So come on, we're going to live, together!"

Iida's eyes were brimming with tears as he watched his green-haired friend dodge a pair of knives. He gritted his teeth tighter as he remembered how he got into the situation. 

Izuku was hit by a flying spike kick from Stain straight into his shoulder. Reacting quickly, he was able to shock Stain substantially, causing the villain to hunch over as Izuku gripped his shoulder. 'At least he won't be able to get any blood from that, but that's going to be troublesome when it comes to dodging.' Trying to move the shoulder, he found that it was incredibly sore and slightly sharp to move, but he could still move his arm and hand with no trouble. 'At least I still have that going for me.' Izuku braced himself, placing that shoulder behind him as he braced to dodge again, with Stain trying to stand back up, but still feeling some of the after-effects of being zapped.

"Ha... I thought there was no hope for the future generation... but you... hm. Well then young hero, let us test your mettle!" Stain rasped, licking his lips as he pulled out four blades instead of two. Izuku upped his charge, feeling the slight tingling in his muscles building up. 'I can't hold this upped charge for long, but Stain has started to take this seriously. I'll just have to ignore the numbness to be able to hold off.

Clenching his fists, he would have to more proactively counter-attack, rather than reserve energy and exclusively stay on the defensive. Hopefully he could hold out against the well trained villain. 'Well, time to get experience the hard way!'

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