The first round of goodbyes.

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When we're done with breakfast, Rhode stands up.
"I regret to inform you that I will be sending home a few ladies today."
I steal a nervous glance over at Brighton. Surely he wouldn't send us home.
"The following ladies should go immediately to their room and pack to leave: Lady Albany," he starts. I hear Albany choke out a small sob.
Rhode either doesn't notice her, or chooses to ignore her, continuing with his list, " Lady Delphine, Lady Frieda, Lady Melodie, Lady Vienna, Lady Zahara, Lady Serenity, Lady Maureen, Lady Raelyn," he continues. I look over to the nice girl who I talked to before Brighton got to breakfast. I wish he hadn't sent her home. We might've become friends.
I think he is done, but he just continues. "Lady Misti, Lady Berkeley, and Lady Annetta."
I can't help but breathe out a little sigh. He kept me. And got rid of Annetta, one of the disco balls. Now I only have to deal with two.
I have no idea how he remembered all those names. And only after a few days.
It seems like he's gotten rid of tons of girls, but there are still 23 girls left.
As the girls say their goodbyes, Brighton and I just sit there. We hadn't really gotten close to anybody. I just officially met Raelyn today, so I would feel uncomfortable going over to say goodbye.
Brighton and I both reach out to grab the same strawberry and our hands bump into each others. I can't help but let out a giggle.
At my laugh, everybody turns to look at me with a horrified look on their face. I'm confused at first, but then I realize: I just laughed as people were being sent home.
I stutter out, "umm... Brighton and I... There was a strawberry... And... Yeah..." I finish. I wish I just stayed silent.
They stare at me for a little bit more before turning to say their goodbyes again.
I look over at Brighton. Her face is red from trying to keep in her laughs.
"Your face looks as red as this strawberry." I say, pointing to the strawberry we were fighting over.
Everybody left in the room leaves. We are the only two left. Well, actually, there is also Prince Rhode, but he's just catching up on eating from making the announcement. Brighton and I are just too lazy to leave.
I decide to mess with Rhode. I lean into Brighton and whisper so Rhode won't hear, "just go along with it."
She nods, so I start, "you know, Prince Rhode isn't even that handsome." Rhode's head pops up at this. I pretend not to notice. "I mean, blonde hair and green eyes? Ehhh. Just okay." Brighton's eyes widen and then she remembers to go along with it.
She joins in, "yeah. If you wanted to see a really good-looking guy, you should've seen Eli back home." She pretends to fan herself. "So hot."
I pretend like I'm really into the conversation. "Oh, I bet. Prince Rhode isn't very bright, either."
"Like the light bulbs in my home. We have to depend on sunlight! And one more thing. Prince Rhode isn't even funny. Seriously." Brighton says. By now Rhode is straining to hear all of our conversation. It's hard to keep a straight face as I list all of his 'flaws'.
I peek a little to see Rhode with a bewildered look on his face. I can't help it anymore. I laugh so much. Brighton joins in, knowing that I just blew our cover.
Rhode is looking between us, wondering what is going on.
"It-" I can barely let out a word. I'm laughing too much. "It was a joke."
Rhode stares at the both of us for a minute to let the laughter die down.
Then he says, "you two..." He pauses. I don't know what he is going to say. Then he cracks a smile. "Are so mean! I'm telling my mommy!" He jokes and runs off.
We laugh more until I realize: "his 'mommy' is the Queen."
Brighton and I share a look before running after Rhode.

Okay, okay. Sorry about the short chapter and not updating as much as I should be. I was sick for two days. And I had practically no inspiration. But now I have something planned out... Hehehehe. :)

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