Relationships and Friendship(?)

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YI've been on my bed for a whole hour, just thinking about Rhode.
"Miss? Are you alright?" Asks Emery.
"Wonderful." I answer with a sigh. "Absolutely fantastic."
"And why are you so happy?" Asks Rea.
"Rhode" I simply say.
"So now we're just calling him Rhode?" Giggles Airabelle.
"I think so. At least that's what he told me to? Am I allowed to call him that in front of other people?" I ask, suddenly nervous about the whole situation.
They all laugh. "Calm down. We're just giving you a hard time." One of them says, but I can't tell who because I have my face buried in my pillow.
"Okay. I'll calm down." I say, but it comes out muffled from the pillow.
Then there's a knock on the door.
I go to open the door and see Brighton on the other side.
"Two visitors in one day? I must be popular!" I exclaim, earning a confused look from her.
"Who else came to your room?"
Oh... Great... There goes my secret. I don't trust myself with lying because I was never good at that.
"Prince Rhode." I say sheepishly.
She laughs. "Cool, though I admit, I'm kinda mad that I wasn't the first one here."
I look up at her. "Seriously? It's not everyday that I get to hang out with a Prince." I say jokingly.
She pretends to be hurt "but it's not everyday you get to hang out with someone as awesome as me."
I laugh a little. "True, true. So why are you here?"
"Can't two friends just talk?" She asks, then at my disbelieving gaze whispers so my maids won't hear, "it's about Prince Rhode."
"Oh, okay." I say, then louder, "Emery, Rea, Airabelle, can you please leave us alone for a second. You know, Prince drama."
The three ladies laugh a little when Brighton smacks my arm. "You weren't supposed to tell them." She says.
"Ow... Sorry." I say, rubbing my arm as my maids leave.
"So what about Rhode?" I ask plopping on my bed along with Brighton.
She raises her eyebrows. "First off: Rhode? Second: He held my hand! Ohmygosh Caspian, he actually held my hand!"
I try not to look surprised, but I can't help it. She sees the look on my face. "What's wrong?" She asks.
"Nothing. I'm just wondering if you came right from your little date." I say.
"Oh, yes. It lasted about thirty minutes."
I can't help but think, that's almost right after my date with him. Does he really move on that easily?
"Cool. Where did you go? I want to hear all about it." I say, trying to mask the hurt in my voice.
"We went to the gardens. They're still remodeling it, but it looks beautiful." She gushes. "It was perfect. We just stood there, looking out at the beautiful daisies and he reached for my hand. I wouldn't change a thing."
"Oh, cool" I half heartedly say.
"Now you tell me why Prince Rhode came to your door." She says, turning to me.
"Oh, well. He just came to talk. I kinda got mad at him at the little meeting thing." I tell a half-truth. I did get mad at him.
She is a little mad at me, I can tell. "I know you aren't telling me the full truth."
I don't feel like sharing more. I just know I'll get jealous and she'll get jealous and it might ruin our friendship.
"Do you really want to hear the agonizing details of my date?" I ask jokingly.
"Why yes, I do." She says decisively.
"Fine." I grumble out, only leaving out the the kiss, though I do keep in the kiss on the cheek. My face gets more and more red the whole time.
"Oh I know why you didn't want to tell me. You were embarrassed." Brighton jokes.
I sheepishly nod.
"My little Caspian is embarrassed." She coos.
I push her arm a little. "At least my face didn't get red when Rhode held my hand." I say.
"How did you-" she starts.
"I was joking, but now I know that you did!" I say, pretending like I won a prize.
And we just sit there for the rest of the day, joking around. I just hope Prince Rhode never comes between us.

So sorry about the late update! I've been really busy making cookies today with my hilarious kinda-cousin that I never see anymore. (Note: cookies with every frosting on it and every sprinkle on it is disgusting. I sadly know from experience.) I hope your day was fabulous!

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