Food is Better Than Boyfriends

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This might be a different format. I used my computer, while I normally use my phone for writing this story. That brings me to my question: Which one do you guys use? I usually use my phone. I guess I just feel more comfortable using my phone.

As we walk down to the dining room, we are in a very uncomfortable silence.

"Sooooo" I say, stretching out the o's.

"Soooooooooo" he says, mocking me.

I lightly shove him. "Shut up. If I were a Princess who just rescued you, a commen person, you wouldn't know what to say, either."

He shakes his head. "Nope. I would know exactly what to say."

"Oh really?" I ask, not beleving him. "What would you say?"

He makes his voice very high-pitched, pretending to be a girl. "Oh Prince Rhode, thank you for saving poor, innocent me from the scary maze where Grievers could kill me!"

I laugh, then realize what he said. "Wait, you know what Grievers are?" I ask.

"Of course!" he exclaims. "Why do you think we made this maze? I personally asked for this maze after reading this book."

We arrive to the dining room and it is well past 9:00. The chefs give us weird looks because they already made dinner, but they happily oblidge because it is the Prince who asked for this favor. If it was a Selected, they would have probably still done it, but they would have judged them.

"Can you please make Lady Caspian here my favorite dinner please?" he asks and after the chefs nod their heads, he starts leading me to the table.

"So what's your fav-" I start, but Rhode holds up his finger to my lips.


"What are you doing?"

"I saw it in a movie once." he pauses for a while. "Is it working?"

"Not at all." I say, smiling as the chef brings out a plate of food under a dome of silver. "What's this?" I ask, sitting down.

Rhode motions for them to lift the dome and on the plate is baken chicken and potatoes. Plain, but delicious. "This looks amazing. Thank you." I saw to the chef and he gives me a curt nod before walking away, presumably to clean up. "Don't you want some?" I ask, taking my first bite. Immediately I can see why this is Rhode's favorite dinner. At the moment, I'm actually hoping he says no so there is more for me because this food is better than a boyfriend.

"I already ate. I'm good." He says.

After that, it was kind of awkward because he was just staring at me. "Are you okay?" I ask and he kind of shakes his head like he is trying to get out of a trance.

"Yeah... I was just... thinking." He says and I quickly finish up eating.

"Oh. What do I do with the plate...?" I ask hesitantly.

"Here. I'll bring it back and they can wash it tomorrow." He says, grabbing for my plate. I quickly swipe it away.

"Nonsense. I'll just clean it right now. As a favor for everything they've done for me."

He starts to object, but I'm already in the back, turning on the water. Or at least that's what I think this thing does. Instead, I get sprayed with water. I hear laughing and I quickly turn around, seeing Rhode's smiling face. "I'm not used to this fancy sink." I mumble.

"I got this." He says, quickly washing the plate in soapy bubbles and water. He turns off the water, but not before blowing some of the bubbles in my face.

"Hey!" I yell, trying to get the bubbles out of my hair.

"This is payback for when you pulled that prank and made me slip in the soapy water!" He retorts.

My eyes widen. He still remembers that? "That was... only once." I mumble, getting the bubbles out.

"Only once, only once." he mocks as we head upstars.

When we arrive at my bedroom, he stops.

"Thanks again." I say, heading into my room.

"No problem.... maybe we can meet up another time?" He asks hesitantly.

I smile widely. "That would be great." I let out a yawn. "Goodnight, Rhode."

"Night, Caspian." he says softly as he walks away.

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