Chapter 21

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this and give suggestions for other stories (they have to be stranger things related) thank you and enjoy!!

You woke up startled to see your mom looking at you. You looked around to see that you were inside a ambulance but the back doors were open and you weren't driving anywhere.

"Oh my god y/n are you alright!" Your mom exclaimed as she lifted your head of a medical bed. (Those beds things that ambulances use to carry people on yeah that thing) She looked at your face and wiped the remaining blood from under your nose. She pulled you into a hug as you sobbed some more into her shoulders, you noticed your dad come in and join your hug.

You later found yourself driving to a hospital, your parents told you that they had a surprise for you but they wouldn't tell you until you got there. When you arrived you were greeted by Hopper, your parents helped you out the car and walk over to Hopper. You looked down to see a bandage around your ankle, the ambulance must have done it. Hopper smiled at you and started talking. "How's the ankle kid?"

"Its alright, kinda hurts but its ok." You responded.

"I heard you were a real fighter today." He said patting you on the shoulder.

"Thanks." You said. "What's the surprise?"

"Guess who's back?" He smiled at you.

You instantly realised who he was talking about. "No." You said in disbelief.

"Follow me kid." He said hiding you through the hospital.

You reached a waiting room where almost each seat was full apart from a few where you and your parents could sit. Inside was Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Nancy, Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. Wheeler and Steve. You were shocked that Steve was there, you noticed his beat up face and you immediately felt sorry for him.

After a while of waiting Dustin had fallen asleep on Lucas's shoulder and Lucas had fallen asleep too. You and Mike both sat at the edge of your seats. You knew Mike had only one thing on his mind. Eleven. You could tell Mike had fallen completely in love with er over the past week and wouldn't be surprised if while they were talking he kissed her. Suddenly Jonathan entered the room, he looked over to you and your friends and nodded to you all. You stood up and helped Mike wake up Lucas and Dustin. When they woke up Lucas glared at Dustin and questioned why he was on his shoulder.

"Hurry up!" You yelled and you all started to follow Jonathan down the corridor.

He led you all to a room where the boys fought to enter first, they all ran in and yelled. "BYERS!!!" And you hard Joyce's voice reply. "Be careful!"

When you entered, you were still battling the pain from your ankle, you saw the boys stand up from where a boy lay. It was Will. The second he saw you his face lit up, so did yours. "Y/n!" He exclaimed weakly. You walked over to him as fast as you could and threw yourself on him. You hugged each other for a while until Jonathan interrupted. "You guys have been hugging for a while you know?" You and Will instantly broke apart, you stood next to Mike your faces red with embarrassment.

"What happened to your foot?" Will questioned looking down to your ankle.

"Oh nothing serious." You answer, smiling at him.

"You keep worrying Will." Jonathan smiled.

"You wont believe what happened when you were gone man." Lucas exclaimed.

"It was mental!" Dustin exclaimed.

"You had a funeral!" You exclaimed.

"Jenifer was crying!" Dustin exclaimed but Will didn't look as excited for that.

Stranger Things x Reader Season 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें