Chapter 8

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this and give suggestions for other stories (they have to be stranger things related) thank you and enjoy!!

You raced down the road following the police and the ambulance completely forgetting about your friends behind you, all your memory's with will crossed your mind. You though of how when you had to be in groups of four for your science class he gave up his place so you could join. How he's drawn you multiple times and given each one to you for your birthday. How he asked how you were everyday, the littlest of things he did for you made you absolutely adore him.

When the cars stopped you dropped your bike and and to the back of a fire truck as your friends showed up a few seconds later. There were multiple emergency vehicles parked around the lake almost covering your sight. You watched as Hopper ran to the lake and sigh. You looked around to see a body they were pulling out from the river. 'No it cant be' you thought. You saw the body wearing the same exact thing you saw Will last in, a red and yellow ski jacket and jeans. You grabbed your chest as you felt your heart shatter into a thousand pieces and tears started falling out your eyes.

"Its not Will it cant be" Mike said as you fell to your knees.

"Its Will...its really Will" Lucas said tears starting to fall out his eyes.

You couldn't resist yourself. You stood up and tried running to Will but Dustin held you back before you could, he pulled you into a hug as you cried into his shoulder felling a few tears from him drop on your head.

Eleven looked at Mike and before she could speak he began yelling at her "You were supposed to help us find him alive! Look what you did to y/n! What is wrong with you what is wrong with you!" Mike ran over to his bike and started riding away while Lucas called out to him.

Yo couldn't even look at Eleven she had gotten all your hopes up for nothing, Dustin walked you home he had one hand over your shoulder and the other on his bike. Lucas brought Eleven to Mike's house and left her in his basement. When you reached your house you didn't even care that you weren't supposed to be out, you ran in and rushed to your room locked the door and cried your eyes out into your pillow. You have never been so upset in your life.

You could hear your parents watching the news they immediately understood what was wrong with you. Meanwhile you were looking at a picture of you and Will in the snow last Christmas, he had snow all over him and was laughing with you. You had calmed down a little bit your tears had stopped falling but your face was red from crying.


You sat in your basement looking through some drawings Will had drawn and given you. You couldn't imagine how hard this must be for y/n and you knew she was probably crying her eyes out. Eleven was playing with your walkie but you couldn't bare to look at her, until the static buzzing jut got too annoying for you. "Can you please stop it!" You finally say but she ignores you and continues. "Are you deaf?! I thought we were friends you know. And friends tell each other the truth! And they definitely don't like to each other! You made me think Will was ok, you made y/n think Will was ok! And he was still out there but he wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping but you weren't. You hurt me. You hurt y/n. Do you understand?! What you did sucks... Lucas was right about you all along." Eleven stared at you for a bit then started playing with the walkie again. All of a sudden you heard a voice come from it, you instantly recognised it. It was Will, he was singing his favourite song Eleven looked at you as her nose bled and she passed you the walkie. "Hello Will is that you this is Mike, over. Will are yo there? WILL" you waited for a response but nothing happened, you looked at Eleven as she smiled at you. "Was that?" You ask before she finished your sentence.

"Will." She responded.


You opened your eyes to see your mom at the end of your bed, you had unlocked your door before you slept so you didn't have any questions on how she got in. She spoke to you in her soft and calm voice "hey sweetie how are you? If you want you don't have to go to school today you can stay home and relax. Just call me or dad at work if you need anything is that ok?"

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