Chapter 3

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this and give suggestions for other stories (they have to be stranger things related) thank you and enjoy!!

After school you arrived home and threw your self onto your bed, you couldn't help but cry. You didn't know where Will was and if he was in trouble or not. You couldn't stop thinking about him, then all of a sudden your walkie talkie started buzzing and faint noises of Dustin's voice could be heard.

"Y/n?" You heard from the static buzzing.

"Dustin? What is it? Over." You reply waiting for a answer.

"Mike has meet at my house bring a torch and possibly a weapon. Over."

"Wait what?"

"Just hurry! Over and out."

You grabbed your backpack and tied your hair up in a simple ponytail. You put on your leggings and a jacket and put your white raincoat in your bag. You put on your bag and grabbed a rolling pin as you left your house and just as you got out it started raining, pouring actually. You put on your raincoat and started ridding to Dustin's house where the boys were waiting for you.

"What took you so long?" Lucas complained.

"Real question is why I need a weapon?" You said presenting your rolling pin.

"We don't need any weapons?" Mike said confused.

"But Dustin said-"

"Dustin!" Mike yelled "why do we need weapons?!"

"I'm scared ok and i know that if at least one of us has protection then we will be ok"

"Jesus Dustin lets just go" Lucas says getting back on his bike.

You all ride down the road trying to keep out of site and you take a turn a few minutes past your house entering mercwood, each one of you dropped your bikes Dustin accidentally hitting his toe.

You walked into the woods calling out for Will while Dustin looks worryingly around you all.

"Guys i think we should head back!" He calls out to you all.

"Why?" You reply.

"Just stay on channel 6 and don't do anything stupid" mike says to Dustin.

"Hey guys wait up!" Dustin yells trying to catch up to you all.

After a while the storm got really rough and even though you were wearing your raincoat your hair was half wet but you were determined to find Will.

"WILL" you yell at the top of your lungs.

"BYERS" Lucas yells with you.

"IVE GOT YOUR X-MEN 134" Dustin shouts.

"Guys i really think we should turn back." Dustin says in fear.

"Seriously Dustin?! If you wanna be a baby then go home!" Lucas replied.

"Dustin don't its too dark to go alone common we will go back soon" you say putting your arm around his shoulder and your hand above his head protecting his sight from the rain.

"Lucas I'm just being realistic." Dustin continues.

"No you just being a big sissy!" Lucas yelled.

"Do you ever think Will could have gone missing because he ran into something bad? And we are going in the exact same spot where he was last seen! And we only have a rolling pin!" Dustin says putting his arm above your head shielding your view and letting you rest.

"Dustin shut up" Mike says looking into the distance.

"I'm just saying its the exact same spot where-"

"Shut up" mike says again.

You hear a twig break behind you and everyone turned around. Nothing. The same thing behind you again, but this time you see a girl almost baled soaking from the rain. She had bruises all over here and wore a long T-shirt that said 'benny's burgers' across it. There was something about this girl she seemed familiar to you like you had met before...

Thank you for reading! That was 640 words! I hope you enjoy the next part! 😁

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