History Repeating

Start from the beginning

"Whoa!" Both the twins said in unison

Bonnie unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car

"Where are you going?" Elena asked her watching her walk-off

Bonnie just ignored her and grabbed the necklace from her neck and threw it as far as she could into the field

"Are you okay?" Evelyn asked when she got back in the car

"Now I am. All my problems were because of that thing. Can't believe I didn't do that sooner" Bonnie admitted

"What's your grams gonna say?" Elena questioned

"Grams isn't the one being haunted by a 150-year-old ghost, is she?" Bonnie told them

"Okay then," Elena said and Bonnie started the drive to their house

"Hey. Thanks for coming. I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important" Elena said to Stefan as she opened the door

"I know that," Stefan said awkwardly

"He threatened her," Evelyn told Stefan as the three of them walked outside

"What would Damon want with Bonnie?" Stefan said looking down

"She has this necklace. Caroline got it from Damon and she gave it to Bonnie and now Damon wants it back" Elena said while pacing

"He's tormenting her" Evelyn added on

"Over a necklace," Stefan said

"It's not just any necklace. It has to do with Bonnies' heritage. It belonged to one of her ancestors who lived here during the Civil War—" Elena said getting cut off by her sister saying "When you and Damon lived here"

"Her name was Emily. She was Katherine's handmaiden and a witch" Stefan explained

"You know? About Bonnie?" Evelyn asked

Stefan nodded

"The first night that you invited me over for dinner, I made the connection," Stefan told the girls

"And now Damon knows and for some reason, he wants the necklace," Elena said

"What does it look like?" Stefan asked the girls

"It's, um, an antique iron setting with—" Evelyn said but got cut off by Stefan saying "With an amber crystal. I know it. It belonged to Kathrine, Emily gave it to her which means—"

"What?" Both the twins asked

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. Let me talk to Damon" Stefan told them

"Will he tell you?" Elena asked

"I'll get it out of him," Stefan said

"Well, good luck, wasn't like you tried to kill him or anything," Evelyn said to Stefan

Later that night Elena, Evelyn, Bonnie, and Caroline we're gathered in the kitchen unpacking their food

It was extremely awkward, to say the least

"I'm sorry. There, I said it. If you want the ugly-ass necklace, keep it. It's yours" Caroline said as she turned to look at Bonnie

"Well, you hate me if I tell you I threw it away?" Bonnie asked her

"You threw it away?!" Caroline exclaimed

"I know it sounds crazy. The necklace was giving me nightmares" Bonnie explained

"You could have given it back to me," Caroline told her

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