Chapter 1: Annoying

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It was another shallow day. I woke up at 6am to a silent apartment, as usual. The only sound that I hear is the constant ticking of the clock ringing in my head. Groaning, I rest my arm on my forehead, sighing in dread for this day.

September 13th, today is my first-day of Senior High.


Opening the door, I arrived to a flock of fangirls squealing into my ear. They just don't stop.

"Gray-sama! Kyaaa! He's so gorgeous in real-life! On top of his looks, he ranked in the top 50 for the entrance exams nationwide!"

Oh, how could I have forgotten? Ever since I was young, I was cursed with this unwanted popularity.


In an attempt to avoid conversation, I plugged in headphones, and sat at the opposite end of the room. However, as mindless as they are, they were persistent. They followed me, crowding around me as if I was an exhibition.

"What a disturbance. I should - No, the last time I reacted back in middle school, I was scolded by Sensei." My anger began to worsen.

"Gray-sama, would you like to go on a date sometime?", one girl promiscuously requested, removing my headphones and stroking my arm in the process.

How disgusting.

Almost at my limit, I instantly released myself from her grip, avoiding any eye-contact. The last thing I want is to engage in a conversation. I'd only be wasting my time.

I attempted to move seat, but again, I was forcefully pushed back down by her.

Cupping my chin into her hands, she smirked, whispering into my ear,
"You know, you don't have to attempt to be cool. I can tell that you like me."

I lost my calm. "You? Why would I-". Before I could even finish my sentence I was interrupted by a sapphire-eyed girl, with long, wavy blue hair appearing in front of me.

"Can't you see Gray-san is annoyed? Let him be."

It's another one. Pretending to ally with me, so that I can be used? Pathetic.

"Ugh. It's Juvia. You think you're so amazing because you have a few boys going after you? You make sick.", she retorted before leaving with the rest of her groupies.

Surprisingly, she ignored the comments, and focused her attention solely on me. Not that I care.

With the typical, fake sympathetic tone, she asked, "Are you okay, Gray-san?"

I'm not an idiot, she's just the same as everyone else. Fake.

"Tch, annoying.", I replied.

Shaken by my reply, her facial expression became hurt.

It actually seemed genuine.

That's not possible though. It simply isn't.

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