"H'oger that," I said with salutation. "What a'out Horse-'ace Hughes?"

"The student you fought?" Mum asked, looking at me with confusion. "They've given him leniency because of his circumstances. He isn't allowed back till exams, but from what I understand, they're having him study from home."

"Good h'iddansh, I say,"

"You're an absolute clown, Charlie," she chuckled, shaking her head. "But I'm glad you're alright. And I'm proud you managed to hold your own. I'd been wondering for some time now-"

I glared at her. "Jusht 'hat are you trying to shay?"

She widened her eyes a little, maybe wondering if she'd gotten too carried away. "Well, it's just I-"

Somebody knocked on the door, and it slowly wedged open to reveal a very flustered looking Ikeisha Hansen. She saw Mum and her eyes widened, breaking into a nervous smile. "Mrs. Rascal," she said quickly, clearly embarrassed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude-"

"Nonsense, nonsense," Mum cooed, grasping Ikeisha's hands in hers. "You go see, Charlie. I finally get a break from that little troublemaker. A cuppa tea will do it, yeah? Bye, now."

Ikeisha chuckled as we watched Mum race out of the room. It might've looked suspiciously like a clever ruse to give us some alone time, but Mum figured out my orientation before I did when I kept saying I wanted Russell Crowe to be my new daddy at the age of eight. It was of course entirely innocent back then, but less so now. Ikeisha turned to face me when the door clicked shut behind Mum, popping her glossed lips in a cheerful little greeting. Was she always this adorable? I almost wanted to squeeze her cheeks.

"You're looking terrible," she said, more cheerfully than when I'd seen her back at school. She plonked down on the chair Mum had been on and pulled it closer beside the bed.

"Ish that any uaay to talk to a 'atient?" I said with a gasp, holding my hand to my chest. "Ih 'ery delicate in ti'esh like thish, y'know. Tell 'e Ih 'eautiful."

She giggled a bit. "I'm sorry," she said with playful sincerity. "You're beautiful."

That last bit was playful but less so than before. My gob smacked shut, unsure of what to say. People usually insulted me when I played that card, so I found it a little disconcerting to the point of being stunned into silence. Ikeisha Hansen was without a doubt the most beautiful teen in existence. Anybody, gay or straight, could see. But was she the smartest?

Did she honestly believe that I was the type to buy into compliments?

"You ha'e terrific judg'ent," I agreed, then froze when Aubrey sprung to mind. "Uh, how'sh Au'rey?"

"He's fine," she said, fiddling with her fingers. "He's been worried, asking how you are, and umm..."

She paused, looking up at me contemplatively, searching my eyes like she'd find answers in them. She had yet to realize I was pretty stupid in all areas but English, particularly poetry.

"I never quite knew what to make of you," she said, still fidgeting. "At first, I thought you were just an empty-headed clown. But lately, I keep seeing new sides to you. You're always taking me by surprise."

I stared at her. Why was she being so nice? It was awkward. "Ahaha," I said, scratching my head sheepishly. Just what was I supposed to say? "You caught 'e. Ih a 'ox h'ull of 'yshteriesh."

That might have botched since I didn't know how easily she understood my poor attempt at speech. She chuckled, shaking her head. How could a human being look so suave? Why was she in here with me rather than being out shooting magazine covers or something? Or more than that, sticking with Aubrey.

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