You got it!

3.5K 45 8

Morgandevil Just guessed it!
Yes it was twice!...He's so hot 🙈haha.

Also i wanna say Thank you for participating in the event! I'll do about every 10k reads! So stay tuned!

-For Morgan! Please choose whatever you want for the special smut EPISODE!
Some suggests areee

-time skip? Maybe to earlier in the relationship?
-toys?......sorry Haha

YOU CAN REQUEST ANYTHING! Thanks for winning! I love you all! 💕
Btw heres a hot pic of my fav characters.

YOU CAN REQUEST ANYTHING! Thanks for winning! I love you all! 💕Btw heres a hot pic of my fav characters

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"Lovely" (Hawks X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora