No Good Dead Goes Unpunished

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The day had been exhausting for class 2-A, test after test for their last day before summer break. Everyone leaving the school together except for the class cinnamon roll who was getting her permission slip from Aizawa for a trip she was going on for two weeks.

As the class exited the front of the college they noticed a guy sitting sideways and what appeared to be a harley davidson motorcycle. He was the age of about twenty wearing a smooth black leather jacket and holding a black helmet in his hands.

"Who is that hottie?" Mina let a sultry tone out as the whole class migrated toward him out of curiosity.

"I don't know but he's pretty cute." Momo had joined in the conversation as they watched him looking at his phone while he sat.

Once the class was a few yards away the features of this strange man became clear, vibrant forest green hair, freckles ridling his face, and Bakugou realizing who it was.

"DEKU!!!" He charged to the head of the group as the young man looked up at him and an annoyed face appeared.

"Ugh. still an ass like always huh Bakugou." He sat his phone in his pocket and his helmet on the seat of the bike.

"What the hell are you doing here you damn Nerd!" Bakugou walked right up to him and got in his face.

The person now known as Deku to the class simply gave him an unamused stare. "That is none of your business dipshit."

This only enraged the blond and he went to grab the greenettes collar. Only for said person to grab his arm, twist it, and put Bakugou on his knees with his back to him. "You damn Nerd let me go!"

"Yeah thats gonna be a no from me bub." He turned to the rest of the class and scanned them before a frown made its way to his face. "She's not out yet."

"I'm sorry for Bakugous behavior!" Iida had come over and was robotically moving his hands. "My name is tenya Iida, class president of our class. And who might you be?"

Keeping his knee firmly planted in Bakugou's back, Deku spoke. "Names Izuku Midoriya. And trust me, I know just how bad he can get." With that said Izuku twisted harder making Bakugou wince.

"So what are you doing here Midoriya?" Kirishima asked as he walked over and grabbed Bakugou and held him to the side of the group.

"No offense but thats none of your business." Bakugou scoffed at him before retorting.

"Fucking Dropout." This caused a tick mark to appear on Izuku's head as he tried to retain his cool.

The whole class seemed confused before Kaminari asked his question. "So you two know each other?"

Bakugou got a maniacal smirk on his face and spoke before IZuku could. "Yeah, we went to highschool together before the fucking loser failed and was kicked out at the end of our third year." And then he spat at Izuku's feet.

Izuku took a deep breath, trying to keep from an outburst. "SO you failed out before your last year?" Mineta spoke with a snicker which earned Bakugou a deeper smirk.

Once again Izuku tried his hardest to keep his composure. "Yeah, rumor around the school was that he knocked up some bit-"

He was cut off by a sharp punch to his jaw that sent him and Kirishima sprawling to the ground from the impact.

"You... shut... your... fucking... mouth." In an Instant Iida and Kaminari had pulled Izuku away from Bakugou who was now unconscious on the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Kaminari asked in shock. As Midoriya took his seat on his bike and rubbed his hand with a scowl on his face.

"Asshole could never learn to shut his mouth about other people's business." Everyone was gobsmacked that someone managed to knock out Bakugou. And unbeknownst to the group Izuku had looked to the other side of his bike to check on something.

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