Feeling Pt. 1

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Hey there everybody. Just a quick rundown. This is a completely quirkless A.U. and they are all in there last year of highschool.

P.O.V. Izuku

I walked through the halls on my way to practice like I did most days. Today was a tad different since I was going to be by myself since it's not a scheduled practice. I made my way out to the storage shed that held our equipment and pulled out one of the automatic pitchers. "Man... Why are these things so heavy?"

I grunted as I struggled to pull the heavy machine out of the shed. After a moment I successfully managed to place the machine on the pitcher's mound. I took a moment to congratulate myself on managing to get it there by myself, then I went inside to change into my practice clothes and get my equipment from the locker room.

After I changed I went back out to the field to practice. I spent a few hours working on my hitting, I couldn't help but be frustrated. Ever since my surgery I haven't been able to hit past the middle of outfield. I finally threw my bat down in frustration and caught the ball coming at me only to through it as hard as I could.

However, I immediately regretted it when I heard glass shatter, "Oh crap, that can't be good." I slumped my shoulders as I walked over to the fence and opened the gate. I walked around in the direction the ball went and started walking straight. It wasn't but a moment later that I could see a broken window.

That's not what caught my attention though, I looked through the window and saw a brunette girl sit up off the floor while holding her head, "Ow, what the heck."

I froze as I saw her looking around for the source, I was conflicted with what to do. The blatantly clear thing that I thought would be right would be to say something, however I knew that if I did she would probably be enraged at me. I didn't realize I had started mumbling until I heard her speak, "Excuse me sir, is this your ball?"

I stopped and stared at her for a moment as she looked out her window at me, "Y-Yes. Imsosorryididntmeantohityouwiththeballiwasjustfrustratedandthrewitfurtherthanimeantto." I flailed my arms around as I spoke in, what some would describe as, a very embarrassed manner.

As I flailed about I stopped when I heard a giggle, one unlike anything I had ever heard, it was like I was listening to sugar itself giggling. I looked over to see her, still on the ground, giggling at me as she smiled. "It's ok, I just bumped my head a bit. Here's your ball back."

She tossed the ball back to me and I fumbled horribly to catch it. "So, are you on the baseball team? I wouldn't have been able to tell had you not been wearing one of their shirts." She let out another soft giggle at her own comment.

"Yeah, I am." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck, "I was practicing when the ball flew over here, again I'm really sorry. I've been trying to tell them to put up a catch fence since there are houses over here, they never listen though."

"Like I said, don't worry about it. I'm fine." We both stayed there for a moment in a very awkward silence for a moment before I spoke again.

"Are you sure you're ok, you haven't gotten up yet." I realized she was still on the floor and let some concern creep onto my face.

"No, I'm fine, I might need a hand though. But my mother will be back shortly so don't worry." I was clearly confused, and she took notice. She lowered her head a bit as she spoke next.

"I... Uhm...I'm paralyzed from the waist down."

P.O.V Ochako

I can't believe I just told him about my paralysis, why would I do that, I don't tell anyone about it.

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