An Accidental...Proposal?

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Hey guys and girls and all the others inbetween, i am here to bring you the latest One-Shot for this book. AND!!! It's another Collab story with none other than HollowLegend . I hope you enjoy! And remeber, this story is up for adoption just like the rest. just remeber to check out the first part for the rules involving adopting a story.

In the final weeks of their third year at UA High, some of the members of class 1-A had started romantic relationships with one another. The earliest out of these is between Bakugou and a student from Shinketsu named Camie Utsushimi back in their second year. But there's one pair that haven't gotten together, at least not yet. The two resident cinnamon rolls of the class, Uraraka Ochako and Midoriya (Deku) Izuku. They have gone three years without knowing they have mutual feelings of attraction and admiration towards each other. The successor of One for All had always had feelings for Zero Gravity user but couldn't ever muster up the courage to tell her. So this has led him to ask romantic advice from Bakugou, Todoroki, Kaminari, Kirishima, Ojiro and Iida.

"So that's why I asked for advice. We're going to graduate soon and I need to tell her before we go off to work as pro heroes." Izuku explains to the others as they sit in a semi circle around Izuku.

"Well it's about damn time! Seriously, at this rate you're gonna die a virgin if you don't say something to round face." Bakugou scoffs and rolls his eyes at Izuku's request.

"Says the one who didn't even last more than one minute according to what Utsushimi told Momo." Todoroki says causing Bakugou's face to redden with rage.

"Are you two going to fight or are we gonna help the man?" Ojiro asks as Kirishima and Kaminari nod in tandem behind him.

"He's the number 1 student at UA and he's afraid of asking out a girl. Dude so unmanly." Kirishima says shaking his head only to get smacked by Iida with a hand chop.

"Thanks Kirishima... I knew I could count on you." Izuku says sarcastically and with a glare directed at the red haired hardening quirk user.

"What you need is confidence, something you clearly lack. My advice is to sweep her off her feet and plant a kiss on her lips. She will be like putty in your arms my dude." Kaminari says as Bakugou facepalms.

"Didn't you try that with Jiro and she stabbed you with one of her earphone jacks?" Ojiro says causing Denki to slink down in his chair.

"So we're not going with Denki for help, anyone else for ideas?" Iida asks looking around at the group.

"If the other extras won't help then here. It's cliche as fuck but it works. Just be honest, not hard for you since you're a terrible liar so it should be a piece of cake." Bakugou says slapping him on the back as he takes notes on the do's and don'ts.

"Then you can smash!" Mineta chimes in before getting punted by a small blast of wind from Deku that sends him out the fifth story window.

"I'll get a shovel." Todoroki and Iida say simultaneously as they stand up from their chairs and walk off.

"Ok, so were all in agreement that he should just come out right and say it?" Ojiro asks the group and they each nod in agreeance.

"I don't know if I can do this." Izuku says under his breath as the realization of what he has to do hits him like a truck.

The next few days were spent with Izuku being pulled into a room with the guys for several hours and then being dispensed into the hall with a pale face. Of course Ochako was one of the few girls to take notice to this sudden change of greenette's habits and she was a mix of confused and concerned. "I wonder what they've been doing in there? I tried to ask Deku but he just mumbled something and ran away."

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