Chapter 5: Slytherins Revenge

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I spent the next few hours in the hospital wing, after Hermione left, I hadn't recieved any visitors. Though I wasn't surprised... all the Slytherins love Draco more then me, and I'm not friends with any students from different houses.
Draco had left hours ago, but was limping around and wobbling as if he were brittle.

"Alright, up you get." Madam Pomfrey gave my head a pat. I didn't say anything as I slid off the bed and put my shoes on. I'd say I had butterflies fluttering in my stomach, but they felt more like centipedes crawling around.
Leaving the hospital wing, I closed my knuckles around my wand, afraid of seeing anyone. I don't want to know what the other Slytherins will do.
I debated returning to my common room and skipping dinner, but someone might notice, and I'd rather be approached in a room full of teachers, then an enclosed area with four Slytherin girls, one of which fawns over Draco quite often.
And I'm hungry... the only food I had in the hospital wing was the bar of chocolate Professor Lupin gave me.
I shuffled down to the dining hall, where I was met with a blast of sounds.
I looked down at my hand, which was starting to hurt. I was gripping my wand so tight, it threatened to snap.
I slowly stepped into the dining hall, many students were casting glances at me, some murmured, not trying to keep their voices down.
"Blood traitor..."
"She should be expelled!"
"How dare a filthy muggle lover touch a Malfoy"
"She deserves more beatings."
Jeezums people! Calm down!
But to my surprise, only Slytherins were murmuring those things, sure some Hufflepuffs and ravenclaws looked apprehensive, but most- and all Gryffindors- gave smalls smiles at me, some even snuck a thumbs up underneath the table.
I weaved my way through the seats and reached the Slytherin table.
The Slytherins had deliberately left the only open seat in between Crabbe, Goyle, and some other sturdy students.
I froze. There's no way I'm sitting there.
I got so nervous my eyes began to water. My hands were clammy and I frantically searched for an empty seat.
From the corner of my eye, I saw someone waving to me.
Hermione Granger was sitting at the Gryffindor table, she pointed to a spot next to her, unoccupied.
I smiled and stalked over to her.
"Hello (Y/n), are you all better?" She asked briskly.
"Er- yeah.." I glanced around at the other Gryffindors, wondering if they minded me there.
None of them seemed to bother however, some nodded at me.
"Fred and George Weasley!" Two boys- identical in appearance, extended their arms, leaning over a boy with ginger red hair, the same color as the boys.
I didn't know which hand to shake first to I reached out with both hands, and shook one in each. The group around me started laughing.
"So, what was it like, you know, getting a good punch into Malfoy?" A round faced boy with buck teeth asked.
"Oh- you would not believe!" I started.

The rest of the evening was spent joking and telling stories with the Gryffindors, after dinner they actually invited me up to their common room.
I was finally introduced to the ginger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter himself. He wasn't as "full of it" as Draco described. The only thing me and Harry really had in common was our hated for Malfoy, so there was loads to talk about.
Once the final scraps of food had disappeared off the plates, I bid the Gryffindors goodnight and headed down the the dungeons, the Centipedes returning.
I walked as slowly as I could until I saw Mrs Norris glaring at a group of students, waiting for 10:00 to hit, so she could dash off to Filch.
I sulked up to the stone wall and muttered "Magnus Serpens" the stones slipped into a door and I hopped in, expecting to see a group of angry Slytherins, ready to beat me to a pulp.

There were students in the common room, but they seemed to be doing their own thing, they weren't waiting for me to return.
"Hey. Broom-head." Someone looked up from their copy of the Daily Prophet. I stopped walking.
"Crabbe and Goyle got detention, lucky you. They had 50 points taken from them. Each. Thanks." She snapped her paper back up.
As I turned to leave a boy next to them said "ohoho- they're going to turn that mugglefucker into mashed potatoes when they get back!"
Haaaaaa shit.
I saw Malfoy sneak a glance at the pair, then burry his face in a book, as if he were trying not to be seen.
I ran up to my dorm and creeped into bed as quiet as possible, Pansy Parkinson might be hiding somewhere trying to scare me... I drew the green and silver curtains.
I got dressed into my pajamas and wrapped myself in blankets.
I sat there for a while, thinking about what would happen now that all of Slytherin hated me.
I heard the door open and close.
I took out my wand from my robe and pointed it at the curtains, so nobody could move them.
"Immobulus!" I whispered.
But nothing came out! I took a closer look at my wand, it was silver and shiny- I was holding a butter knife...?
"Where's my-"
"Looking for this?" Someone sneered. I ripped open the curtain to see Pansy Parkinson smirking, my wand in her hand.
"Hey!! That's mine! Wait- stop!" She had my wand in both hands, her thumbs pressing on it, trying to snap it.
"Why dont you come and get it~!" She teased. I sprang out of bed and lunged. She slipped out the door and slammed it in my face. I hit the wood with a loud thud!
"PANSYYY!!" I roared, slamming the door open and leaping down the stairs two at a time.
By the time I reached the common room, the stone bricks were already sliding back into a wall.
I slipped threw just before it sealed. The hall split into two different halls. I saw Pansy sprint down the right one, but I swear I heard footsteps down the left.
I chased after Pansy, barefoot.
She ran up a flight of stairs and outside the castle. I stopped at the door.
Should I do this??
It's my wand though!
My wand!
I stepped outside, snowflakes covered the ground. I ran through the snow, making as little contact with the ground as I could, though my feet had already gone numb.
"Come and get iiiitt~!" She laughed ahead of me.
"I swear... Pansy...! When... when I get.. my hands... on you!!" I screamed through pants.
I could barely see, it was dark, I had to squint because of the cold wing and snow.
I threw myself over the tree roots and swung around trees when something hard slammed against my back.
I tripped over a root and fell to the ground, winded.
I rolled on my back, gasping for air.
Five figures emerged from behind the trees, Marcus Flint, a tubby ugly boy in charge of the Quidditch team, a tall, rather handsome boy, Cassius Warrington- also on the Slytherin team, Grabbe and Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson, who had my wand tucked behind her ear.
I squeaked and tried to stand up, but by the time I got to my feet, Warrington had slammed a beaters bat down on my shoulder and I fell to the ground again.
"Guys-" I tried to reason, Crabbe threw his fist into the side of my head. Within seconds all five of them were kicking me, punching me, and worst of all, Warrington kept using the Beaters Bat.
"Immobulus!" A deep voice shouted behind Crabbe.
The group around me froze in their places.

The group around me froze in their places

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Yooo 1319 wordss!

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