Chapter 2) Detention

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I'm just gonna make a comment, every time I read a fanfic when they have Detention, they always scrub cauldrons. But Snape didn't make kids scrub cauldrons, he made them cut up animals the same species they had as pets. Ron and Harry had to pickle rat brains, Neville had to disembowel toads, he once made Ginny, Neville, and Luna go into the forbidden Forrest (granted it was to protect them from the Death Eaters after they were caught in Snapes office trying to steal the sword of Gryffindor as the forbidden Forrest would cause them less pain then being tortured by the Death Eaters but hey)
Dude ngl, I'm an animal lover I find almost anything cute so having that sort of Detention would make me cry within two mins, and I never cry around people.

(Also that's just music to write to lol)

(Y/n) pov:

As dinner was ending, I started to get anxious thinking about what Snape would make me do for detention.
"I hate you so much Draco." I pouted, turning to the blondie stuffing his face with dessert.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad." He said through a mouthful of pudding.
"Maybe not for you. You seem to be his favorite, despite the fact that you seem to hate him!" I huffed, standing up.
"Where are you going?" Crabbe asked, gnawing on a chicken leg.
"I'm going to get ready for my detention with Professor Snape." I grabbed my books and stormed off. Dracos an airhead. I don't even know why I'm friends with him.
I headed up to my dorm and dressed in old robes, I didn't know what I'd be doing but I knew it'd be messy, detention with Professor Snape is anyways messy.
I looked at the time: 5:30. Might as well make my way down to the dungeons.
I left the common room and walked down the corridors, watching the people in the paintings have dinner parties and what not.
"This is gonna suck." I mumbled to myself.

I rapped on the door of the Potions Class.
"Come in." Said a very annoyed Professor Snape.
I heaved the heavy door open, the huge metal jambs squeaked as I tugged.
I quietly walked up to his desk, where he was scribbling little insults on a first years essay.
"What will I be doing tonight Professor?" I said very quietly, almost too quiet for him to hear.
"Any... owls you want flayed?" I attempted at humor, still almost in a whisper.
He glared at me.
"No. You will have a different sort of punishment today. It seems I'm running low on ingredients. Take this." He handed me a parchment with pictures of gross looking plants on them.
"Isn't that- I mean.. y-yes sir..." I put my books down and left the classroom to see Filch waiting for me.
"I'll be escorting you to the Forrest. The new D.a.D.a teacher will accompany you. Just so happens he needs to pick up a few things." He growled, starting down the hallway.
I looked at the things listed on the parchment (I'm just gonna make sh t up y'all I looked for an hour and it doesn't say what kind of crappy ingredients you can get in the Forest -_-)
"Honestly. You kids are lucky." Filch grumbled under his breath.
"If it were me, I'd have them all stuck to the wall for a few hours. Maybe stick them on a wall facing outside... yesss... that would be nice... all those ruddy children... those Weasley twins... oh yes..." he muttered. Mrs Norris stalked after him, nipping my ankles. I nudged the cat off. I liked Mrs Norris, I think she's kind of cute, I told Filch that the first day we met. Though it might not show, he goes easier on me. Mrs Norris once decided to keep quiet when she saw me lurking around the corridors after I had fallen asleep in the library, so we're cool. I also suspected Filch of being a squib, I mean he cleans the castle with no magic, I've never seen him use it once. I feel bad and try to encourage my friends not to talk crap about him- even if he's an insufferable old git.
We finally reached the large stretch of land in between the castle and Hagrid's hut when Filch stopped walking.
"I'll be back in the morning to drag what's left of you from a tree." He said and walked back to the castle.
The sun was setting and dim stars popped up between the clouds. A single snowflake fell on my shoulder.
I sighed. This is gonna suck.
The door of Hagrid's hut opened and the new D.a.D.a teacher, Professor Lupin stepped out, bidding Hagrid a good night.
He spotted me and ushered me over to the Forrest line.
"Good evening Miss (L/n)." He said. He was rather tall, light brown hair, patchy coat, he looked friendly.
"Good evening Professor Lupin." I replied, wearily.
"Let's get started then shall we?" Be began to walk into the Forrest as more snowflakes hit the ground. I didn't wear any heavy coats...
"Might I ask why you received detention tonight?" He kindly asked as we climbed over large tree roots.
"Draco Malfoy kept shooting spitballs at a stupid Gryffindor. Snape thought I did it too!" I angrily huffed.
"Yes well, Professor Snape can be quite tricky sometimes." He laughed. He had a good laugh.
"So what are we looking for?" I asked.
"Oh we might as well clear off that list of yours, let me see..." He grabbed the parchment from my hands.
"Wolfsbane... asphodel... baneberry... borage... alright!" He read the parchment.
"Well start with Wolfsbane, coincidentally I need some myself." He strode off to the left.
I heard crackling sounds far off in the distance.
"Professor...? Shouldn't we.. have... further protection? Like... that great dog of Hagrids? I hear there's Werewolves out here...!" I panted, hopping over huge tree roots.
"Werewolves? Don't be silly. Those are just rumors. There's no werewolves here." Lupin replied shortly.
"What i-if there are though... ma-maybe ones w-wondered into the f-for-forest...?" My teeth chattered, I was really regretting not bringing a cloak now. I looked up to Professor Lupin, his patchy old coat didn't seem to keep him warm either, but he hardly seemed to mind, deep in thought.
"P-Professor Lupin?"
"Yes. Yes, um... sorry about that... where were we? Oh- right, Wolfsbane... ah-hah!" He stopped, shining the tip of his wand at a tall plant with many purple flowers.
"Go ahead and pick those ones over there, I'll get these ones." Lupin told me.
"Mhm." I bent down and started snapping the stalks, putting them into little bags Professor Lupin gave me.
"Professor?" I stopped.
"What do you think about werewolves...? Do you think they're... real...?" My teeth stopped chattering, apparently waiting for his response as well.
"Well..." he sighed.
"Seriously misunderstood- but still, very dangerous. It's a pity really..." he said blankly, not stopping his work with Wolfsbane.
"Yeah. I think they're scary. But sad. Imagine being a werewolf. That would suck." I said.
I piped down and continued my work, thinking about people who could be werewolves. It was sort of entertaining. I once saw an ugly lady with bushy hair and scars on her face? Maybe her.
Professor Lupin didn't speak much after that. He's probably got someone he knows who's one, just doesn't want to talk about it.

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