not like that

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Taehyung and Jennie see each other from then on. There was never a night that passed without them together, or if Jennie is busy with her masteral thesis, Taehyung makes sure that he calls her every night.

They're casual, there really are no obligations to each other but it just comes naturally to both of them to be affectionate.

They would stay all day in a library-like book coffee shop every saturday, where Jennie can look for references and reading materials to use for her thesis. Taehyung will just bring his laptop and work on matters he still kept secret to Jennie.

Sometimes they will hide along the book sections and start hot making out sessions in courtesy of Taehyung's persistent insisting, yes that's redundant for that's how Taehyung really is, as Jennie already looked so pressured Taehyung doesn't like his pretty Jennie stressed out.

Sundays they will jog in the morning, clean the house, and in the afternoon, Jennie joins different workshops like planting trees, visiting orphanages and home for the aged, painting walls, doing artcrafts, anything that includes charity.

According to Jennie, she started this 6 months ago because it gave her a peace of mind whenever she and Kai fought. Taehyung tags along and he found it enjoyable to have something new to do too.

Jennie liked learning new things and meeting strangers, so its really healing for her. Taehyung also brings Jennie to his interests. When Jennie rests from workshops, Taehyung takes her to the park instead where they will sit all afternoon just eating while Taehyung captures photos, or they'll go to museums where Taehyung admires art (and the glow in Jennie's eyes).

In the evening, they will do groceries, eat dinner and they will watch tv until they fall asleep.

Their weekdays are always busy. Jennie with school and Taehyung with his work. Every monday and thursday, after school, Jennie has yoga sessions which she didn't tell Taehyung much, for it is a hobby that is special to Jennie since that is where she and Kai first met since he was picking up his sister.

Taehyung leaves everyday as well, going back to the bar is what Taehyung tells Jennie, but she didn't really believe that Taehyung is just a bartender. Taehyung laughs at how Jennie is suspicious all the time, saying things that maybe he is a drug dealer or has a cougar girlfriend he visits everyday that's why he's this rich. Taehyung laughs and hugs Jennie at this every time, telling her he is not a drug dealer and he is only seeing Jennie at this moment.

They've been spending three months together now, and Jennie barely even noticed that she wasn't crying and hurting as much anymore. She really enjoys Taehyung's company, she somewhat likes his company no scratch that she feels happy whenever Taehyung is around. Sure Kai never left her mind, and how heavy her heart becomes every night, but everytime Taehyung kisses her goodnight, everytime he breathes into her skin, everything feels alright.

Three months with Jennie, and Taehyung grew to be amazed and mesmerized by who Jennie is and with everything she does. The way Jennie becomes OC over her school things, the way she scolds Taehyung for being messy at the suite, how she liked her coffee and how Jennie will spend hours of talking about a new book she read, and another hour how her thesis is not progressing. Taehyung learned a lot from Jennie, and he wishes he could share to her about his life too, the things he do but Taehyung has really built walls around him.

Although he showed all his sides to Jennie too, like how he snores in bed and how he keeps annoying her all day, the food he wanted Jennie to cook, and as long as he can make Jennie smile, that's all he needs to know.

They both feel so comfortable towards each other and so they kept this going on, for they make each other happy.

Jennie came to Taehyung's suite without even ringing the doorbell and just swiped the card key to the door. Taehyung knew it was Jennie because she's the only one who owned a duplicate card of his place.

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