Chapter Five

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Two years before the breakout

"When is daddy coming home?" Sofia asked me.

"I'm not sure honey. He said he had to work late." I told my daughter. "You need to get to bed. You have school tomorrow."

"Okay. Night mommy." She said as she walked upstairs and climbed into her bed. I picked her little sister, Kylie up and carried her to her bed and laid her down. I covered my girls up and kissed them on their foreheads. "I love you." I told them, like I do every night.

After waiting up for two more hours and my husband a no-show, I climbed into bed and went to sleep. At around four in the morning, my husband came stumbling into the bedroom and flopped down on the bed.

"Did you have fun?" I asked him.

"You have no idea." He laughed loudly.

"Please be quiet. The girls are sleeping." I told him.

"Don't tell me what to do, I can be as loud as I want. This is my house." He yelled. "Look, you've put me in a bad mood. You know what happens now."

"No. Please don't. Not tonight." I told him softly. "The doctor said to not have sexual activity for at least two weeks. The last time, you ripped me."

"I don't give a damn." He said as he stood up and began taking his clothes off.

"I'm not having sex with you tonight Jake, not while you are like this." I told him.

"You'll do what you are told." He said as he backhanded me.

I threw my hands up in my face to prevent him from hitting me anymore when a knock sounded at our door.

I got up and opened it just a crack.

"Mommy, can I get a juice?" Sofia asked.

"Yes sweetie. You can." I told her and bent down to whisper in her ear, "lock your door when you go back in there. Remember what I showed you?"

When she nodded her head I told her to do that. I gave my daughter a kiss as she made her way downstairs to get a drink. When I watched her go into her room and shut the door, I shut mine. As soon as I turned around, Jake threw his fist at my face. I put my hands back up, he huffed out frustrated and picked me up and threw me on the bed.

He climbed on top of me and ripped my pajama pants and underwear off, I tried covering myself and he broke my wrist. When I began crying, he hit me again and yelled at me, telling me to shut up.

He put his hand on my neck as he slammed his cock inside me. If he hadn't been choking me, I would've screamed. He continued to assault me, hard and when he was finished I went to the bathroom to clean up then called an ambulance because I was bleeding and Jake was laying on the bed.

The ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital but not before I made the paramedics get my daughters and take them with us. I didn't trust him to be alone with my girls. He was a monster.

When I arrived at the ER, my next door neighbor was standing there with a knowing look on her face. She told me she would watch the girls and make sure they don't leave with Jake.

"Ma'am what happened to your hand?" The nurse asked me.

"I fell and broke it." I told her.

"And your face?" She asked.

"I hit the door knob on the way down." I replied.

"Mhm." She said. "What else is wrong?"

"We think she is having a miscarriage." The male paramedic told her.

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