Chapter Three

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Two weeks after the release

I stood on the roof of the grocery store, watching the Rotters stumble around mindlessly. I reached into the pocket of my cargo pants and grabbed a pack of firecrackers, lit it and threw it to the ground. I motioned for my brother to do the same on the opposite side of the roof.

The reason we were on top of the grocery store roof was because we had gotten an S.O.S.U (some one save us) from here. Who ever was inside of the grocery store hung signs on each side of the building saying "Survivors inside" or "Help Us".

Once we drew the Rotters away from the front door we climbed down the ladder and knocked on the door three times, then stopped and knocked again three times. When no one answered, Aiden picked the lock. How he knew how to do that, I didn't know and I didn't ask. We got inside the store and shut the door behind us. We were in the warehouse storage section of the store, how did I know that? I use to work here before hitting the lottery, remember? We headed out of storage and took different sides of the store, I took the right heading toward the employee lounge and Aiden took the left, heading to the managers office.

When I came to the employee lounge I tried to open the door but it was locked so I knocked three times, waited and knocked three times again before saying quietly "Anyone in there?" I heard the lock click and the door swung open, the light that poured out momentarily blinded me.

"Oh, it's you." I heard a familiar female voice say. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I seen who it was.

"Hi Angie." I said, of all people who made it, why did she have to be one of them?

"Laurell?" I heard a male ask.

"What are you doing here Myles, I would've thought you would be at the shop." I told him.

"Yeah, that's where I should've been but I was out watching Rossy at his little league game." Myles said. At the mention of his son, Ross, I looked around for him and found his little sleeping figure on the couch.

"What about Chris, did she make it?" I asked.

"No." was all he said.

"I'm sorry." was my reply as I looked around to see the other survivors in the room. Preston and Madelyn Scott were sitting at the table on the other side of the room.

"Hey Maddie." I said, "How you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm feeling just fine." She told me.

"I'm okay to, incase you were wondering." Angie said and I rolled my eyes at the sound of her voice.

"Okay, we need to get you all to the bunker. I parked the VEE about a block down." I began to say when Aiden came up behind me.

"I'll run and get it Lo. You stay here with them." Aiden told me. "Grab your things and be ready. If there is anything you want in this store, food or otherwise, grab it now because you will not be coming back here."

"Who made you the boss?" Angie asked.

"I'm not the boss." Aiden said and pointed to me, "she is."

"Like hell." Angie said.

"Listen, if you want to survive, you will do exactly what Aiden said. We don't have time for your petty bullshit Angie. I'm not even sure what you have against me. If you don't want to go some where a hundred times safer than this then be my guest, stay here but it won't be long before someone comes to loot this place and will leave it un-guarded, how long after leaving it un-guarded would it take for the Rotters to come in here? Then you will be stuck. So get your shit together and be ready to move." I told her. "Maddie, if you want to have comfortable clothes I suggest you have Press go get some maternity clothes and have them ready. Aiden, you head out and get the VEE but don't let them hear you or pin you down. Pull as close to the door as you can or better yet, back into the loading dock and I will have everyone by the door waiting. We get Maddie to the truck first then Angie and Ross. Go."

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