Chapter 10

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  -November 1st 2018-

 Isabella's p.o.v (6 weeks pregnant)

    Castiel and Me are sitting down at a table and His phone rings he picks up his phone putting it on speaker phone putting it down near a pile of books in front of us.



Castiel:Were you able to talk him out of it?.

Sam:No.So I'm counting on you uh any luck?.

Castiel:We did as you asked.We've looked for any possible way to forcibly extract Michael and destroy him.But so far, nothing.

Sam:And what about Rowena?.

Castiel:She went through the entire Book of the Damned and found nothing and I told her to do it again see if she missed something and uh...well the woman has a remarkable command of profanity.

Sam:Alright, thanks. Uh, keep going.

Castiel:Sam.Maybe if I spoke with Dean.

Sam:It wouldn't matter.Believe me I-I I've never seen him like this He won't listen to me H-He just...No.If we don't find some way...Dean's gone.

-Time skip-

Castiel:Dean! It's so good to hear from you.

Dean:Oh Well good uh listen Cas.Uh Sam and I are working this case.

Castiel:You're working a case?.That is so good to hear.So I assume that means you're not going through with it because I have to say,Dean this plan of yours it was born of of desperation not reason.

Dean:My plan?.

Castiel:We know that we are not suppose to know what we know but.

Dean:Look I'm fine with my plan okay?.We can talk about my plan later.


Castiel:You are making a terrible mistake.

Dean:Does the name Tony Alvarez mean anything to you?.


Dean:Say more.

Castiel:Antonio Alvarez is,is next in line to be prophet when Donatello dies.

Dean:Okay.Thanks Cas.

Castiel:Wait,Dean,Dean.We need to have a conversation.

Dean:Look I really got to handle this right now okay?.So thank you and uh it's good to hear your voices.

Castiel and Isabella:Dean?.

-Time skip-

Sam:So then this might not end with Tony Alvarez.Because the next prophet's gonna show up somewhere and,and the crazy could start all over again.By the way Cas...I thought there could only be one prophet at a time.

Castiel:And there should but Donatello is between life and death.I mean you know perhaps the next prophet was activated before his time?.

Dean:And went all Hannibal?.

Castiel:The natural order's been upset.Perhaps Donatello's state has created a prophet who's,who's not only premature...malformed.

Sam:Okay.But if Tony was wired wrong because of Donatello then the other prophet will be wired wrong as well and the next and the next and the,the next do we end this?

Castiel,Isabella:"Says nothing".

Dean:You know how.

-Time skip-

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